Hold your Eee PC 900 orders because the 901 is coming! It’s just been shown-off at a WiMax conference in Taipei and PCWorld picked up the details.
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth will standard features of the 901, and a WiMax version is planned as well. Black and white versions of the 1.14 kilogram laptop were on display, which has a battery life of four to six hours, Asustek said. Pricing was not disclosed.
4 hours on a 4-cell battery. 6-hours on a 6-cell battery perhaps? The 901 will feature the same 12G/20G flash option on the XP and Linux versions respectively but it’s not clear if the flash is split into the same 2-partition setup that makes XP difficult to manage on the 900.
Lots more details are sure to be coming up in the next 24 hours. I’ve just been in touch with Sascha of EeePCNews.de and he’s already made contact with the ASUS guys. News soon!
Via Engadget
Well great !!!! comming soon !
I wish it is 4-6 hrs for 4 cells, otherwise it does not worth over the 900.
I heard between 4-7 hours.
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