Paceblade Japan or PBJ for short (As I like to call them) just opened a new website for it’s SmartCaddie device at http://www.smartcaddie.jp/
And like all good things ultra mobile PC the site tells us nothing except that it is To Be Continued… I thought we already knew everything about the SmartCaddie, but apparently there’s enough we don’t know to warrant a ‘to be continued’ message. (Either that, or they forgot to finish the site.)
There was also a nice little picture of the Smart Caddie included.
The only other bit of info they have released is a pdf news release in Japanese. Available [url=http://www.pbj-inc.co.jp/news/pdf-file/SC_NR01_K3.pdf]here[/url]. That is where the picture of the woman above came from, which clearly shows her having a better time with a SmartCaddie then she would have had otherwise.
So I can not read anything on any of these websites, so I am assuming this device is only being released in Japan as it is hard to market to Americans in Japanese and without english and anime characters.
[b]Edit 03-14-2005 11:20 AM:[/b]
While I was defending the fact that we really do go to the manufacturers site to find info and don’t steal stuff from other sites I went over to smartcaddie.jp and noticed they put up a new image of what I assume is the Smart Caddie box opening. wow that thing must be bright.