Posted on 27 May 2006
[url=]John Tokash[/url] received an email from Martin at [url=]TabletKiosk[/url] with an update on the battery life issues the eo has been having. A fix has been found, and it will require eo owners to send their UMPC into TabletKiosk’s offices for the update to take place. Apparently, there were some issues with defective cords and capacitors with the initial production run.
For more info, and the full email from Martin, check out [url=]Tokash’s Blog[/url].
Posted on 27 May 2006
As I suspected after the collaborative testing effort with the Tablet Kiosk eo, one of the two battery life problems was related to hardware. John Tokash has reported that TK have found a problem: we have identified a set of defective cords / capacitors on the initial production run causing the high power drain Tracing faulty components is an extremely difficult task and as a reseller, TK will have had to work hard with the original design manufactuer to get this sorted out. Although it will require a hardware recall, […]
Posted on 26 May 2006
[url=””][img][/img][/url] just did [url=]a review of the Sony UX50[/url] and they posted some mixed reactions to it.
The reviewer liked the port replicator that doubles as a cradle and sports three USB 2.0 ports, one FireWire port, a 15-pin D-sub for connecting a monitor and an Ethernet port.
Also there is a video of the startup from standby which seemed pretty fast.
However the reviewer did say that the keyboard needed better tacticle feedback and needed to be less cramped to be useful.
The author also seems concerned at the small screen size saying that it is hard to look at for extended periods of time.
On a different note, [url=””]Sony[/url] has the [url=]UX listed[/url] on its site for $1,799.99 and the full product specs sheet can be found on their site [url=]here[/url]
Posted on 26 May 2006
Anton_nym [url=]posted a link[/url] in our [url=]forums[/url] to a story on that is claiming VIA is saying that consumers should hold off on getting a UMPC becasue the systems were rushed to market.
Colin Brix, the chipset platform group international marketing specialist was quoted as saying, ‘Some of the first models we are seeing are not at their optimum,’ he said.’The technology is there, but for early devices they are really rushed.’
He also claimed that the manufactuers are the ones driving up the cost on the PaceBlade and the TabletKiosk eo, ‘We sell the chips cheaper [than Intel]. Whether [manufacturers] want to save that cost and pass it on to customers – that’s their choice.’
This is a strange comment from the chip manufacturer of the devices, since it seems that it could stop people from buying the VIA based devices. Though I suppose trying to save face when a system makes your chip look bad may also be a good way to play it. (If you don’t want them to use your chip any longer)
Posted on 26 May 2006
Forum member Dmcll just let us know that Best Buy is currently listing the Samsung Q1 as sold out again.
So for those that missed the second batch of Q1s available from the site more will be available soon.
However, all is not lost,
[url=]CDW still has them in stock[/url] so you can order it from there instead of waiting for Bestbuy to get them replenished.
Posted on 26 May 2006
Tnnm just [url=]posted a link on our forums[/url] about a Samsung Q1 review on [url=][/url] that had the following quote:
“The UMPC is being marketed as an alternative to a full size notebook, but when it comes to text entry it’s a far from convenient tool. In fact you’ve probably already read reviews criticising the Q1 for this very point, but I’m not going to do that. You see after meeting with Samsung last week, I walked away in the knowledge that the USB keyboard travel pack will now be bundled with the Q1 at no extra cost.”
That is great if it is real. The added functionality of being able to have a keyboard if you want it without spending the $99 that it is currently being sold for is a welcome improvement. I am hoping the keyboard travel pack includes the carrying case. With both items it would be perfect.
The reviewer also gave the device a nice 7 out of 10 so people definitely are liking this device.
Posted on 26 May 2006
Here’s a great tip for UMPC owners. If you need an alternative case for your baby, try this:

Its a double-height CD case with the CD sleeves taken out. As you can see, it works very well with the Amtek 700 derivatives and even provides space for your phone or, dare we say it, a power supply!
Thanks to Carrypad and ‘JKK’ and our mystery man from Finland for the tip and if anyone out there has photo’s of cases or ‘protective solutions’, let us know and we’ll add them to our image gallery.
Posted on 25 May 2006
Thank goodness for fathers day! I was able to push everyone aside today and test the Paceblade Easybook P7 out to my hearts content. Which was fortunate because a (very) little package turned up the day before and distracted me somewhat.More about that next week. Yesterday I spent a lot of time chatting to various people about the battery life issues. We’ve pretty much exhausted the possibilities of further testing now. I did think about taking the Paceblade apart and doing some infra-red photography but thats going too far! Although […]