While I was out of town Julie at the [url=http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/diary/judie]the-gadgeteer.com[/url] was able to purchase an early version of the DualCor cPc.
She put a bunch of great pictures of the device up including a comparison picture against a Fujitsu 2110 laptop, the DualCor cPC, the JasJar and an iPAQ 1945.
An interesting feature on the device is the DualCor button that allows you to switch between Windows Mobile and Windows XP. (More info on this can be found in the [url=http://www.dualcor.com/gettingstarted.pdf]DualCor Getting Started Guide[/url].
According to Julie the official release version of the cPC will include WiFi and Bluetooth built in which has been a question after a few sites said it wouldn’t.
The cPc also comes with a nice “rhinoskin” case as well. Here is a picture from [url=http://www.the-gadgeteer.com/diary/judie]the-gadgeteer.com[/url]. Looks very nice.
Lastly she had some info on the GPRS capabilites which are not being included in the device however she did have a link to a modem that she bought to use with it which is available [url=http://www.enter.net/kart/kart.pl?action=moreinfo&sku=MDM-E0110-01&cart=weintraub]here[/url]
Nice to see some info on the device and hopefully she will be adding more information over the next coming days.