Maybe someone can double check for me but it looks to me like the original link and any search for ‘vega’ on the Kgadget website (the site that did the slightly strange review about the Vega.) results in an error. They’ve been removed.
As I posted yesterday, Raon digital distanced themselves from the review by issuing a statement to us, further increasing the speculation that the review was untruthful. Either Kgadget picked up on it and decided to backtrack or Raon Digital had a little word with them.
Either way, I think I can safely say that we’re back to square one with the Vega and that as far as performance goes, ony RaonDigital have the information we need.
SOrt of off the topic at hand, but I wouldn’t put much trust into future news from that site. Many of kgadgets posts are downright plagiarism (see kgadget’s chinese robot coverage versus Jason chen of’s coverage), with original work sometimes showing inconsistencies.
Though the lack of wifi or bluetooth connectivity don’t speak well of the device, I wouldn’t worry much as I have the feeling this is aimed to be more of an advanced pmp rather than a pure umpc anyway, but still wouldn’t mind importing one for review purposes.
The memory/cpu don’t Bother me as I ran xp on a p3 700mhz 128mb ram notebook for over a year without much trouble at all. It was even quite pleasant actually, at the time.
Thanks for the feedback.
Gadget Korea won’t be in my bookmarks any more, thats for sure.
Ref XP in 256M. It will definately work. My mother runs XP on 192M and as she only uses Outlook and Explorer, its fine. With a bit of cleaning, tweaking and removal of background programs, it should be OK for most common uses.