I’m just waiting for the Intel Mobile Press Briefing to start. Thee are a few UMPCs here on the side including the ‘Yahoo’ swivel screen UMPC. The Q1 Ultra is also here.
Hopefully well get full info on the silicon used in the Q1 Ultra and planned for future devices. There’s still some question about whether its dual or single core. I have already fund out that the GPU in the Q1 Ultra is the GMA950 as used in the Sony UX.
I’ll update this post if anything interesting crops up.
11:30. It looks like we’re off. Keren Regis presenting. Starts talking about the growth of mobie devices. Video….
11:35. Q2 2007. Mobile Intel 965 Exress chipset. Core 2 Duo 800 Mhz FSB. (THis sounds like the Q1 ULtra Processor’?)
11:40. Intel Centrino COre 2 Duo has new power saving features.
11:42. There will be a bus switching tech, Can switch to half bus speeds. ALso Enhanced Deeper Sleep. In EDS, Caches are turned off.
11:43. DPST 3.0 screen power saving tech will be introduced.
11:43. D2PO support expected later this year (25% power savings.)
11:46. GMA X3100 (GPU) will introduce CLear Video Technology.
11:48. Aero support will be provided across all new Centrino chipsets.
More Centrino demos…..UMPC stuff will be comng up next…standby!!
Pankaj Kedia , Intel Mobility Group,now talking.
Introduces UMPC video….NIce lifestyle stuff…looking into future….
12:03. TAlking about the interception of wireless broadband, Mobile devices and Personalised INternet…A good environment for UMPCS. ‘Personal Mobile INternet Sprial’
Intel thinks the UMPC is the device that allows you to take the internet with you, HIghlights problems with browing on Smrtphones. ‘Once you get full internet in your pocket you can amaing things…”
Communications, Entertainment, LOoation Info and Productivity seen as the main focus areas for UMPCs.
12:09 We will see a range of formfactors.
07 platform will be launched April 18th. Beijing IDF. NEW PRODUCTS. (slide coming later with some hints about the new devices.)
McCaslin will be the platform. MOre details in a mnth,
Its an optimised CPU, 50% (DOwn to sub 2W) and GPU with 70% power reduction. Formal launch 4 weeks form now.
5 more platforms / devices launching in a month, Includes the car nav prototype, Looks like 4″ screen. Slide out keyboard. Ill get picturs later.
THe twist screen device will be launched. (THe one with Yahoo Mobile that has been reported before.) 3G GPS included.
Shipping may june july….
NOw talking about 2008…
12:18. CPU and GPU will be designed from the ground-up for UMPCS.
THey want to reach the pocketable format in 2008. 4.8″ device mock-up shown. SLide out keyboard. Cam.
12:20. 2008 6-8 hours battery life is possible.
12:22. beyond 2008 will use Single chip solutonns
now taling about UMPC ecosystems. Starts with Software. Streetdeck, Yahoo and Origami Exerience shown as examples.
12:25. NOw showing a slide about connectiviy. WiMax shows as 2008.
DIsplay tech will be reduced to 0.3-0.4 watt. Samsung is the partner. 7″ will be 0.6 Watts.
Screen sizze important. 3.5″ is too small for screens.. INtel think 4″ is the smalled you can go.
Showing slide of location features. LOcal search, Chils LOcation, Geotagging, Outdoor directions, Anti THeft, Indoor Directions
Range of accessories will be mde availale with new devices.
More info on silicon in 4-5 days.
12:33 Its Q and A time….I’m going to ask about gaming…
Casual gaming is part of the ecosystem but they dont see full gaming as being part of the UMPC ecosystem.
END of show. I’m off to get images….