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Ballmer interview covers UMPCs.

Posted on 25 April 2007

A new Steve Ballmer interview has been published on the Microsoft Germany website. In it he talks (in English) about technology trends.

In Part 3, the ultimate question is asked – Is there going to be one total convergence device? He talks about it being possible and then gets asked ‘How close are we.’ Steve then picks up an HTC shift.! I agree with what he says – that a convergence device will be possible but people wont necessarily choose one device. Marketing departments won’t let that happen either. As Malcolm Gladwell might say, there’s no perfect convergence device, only perfect convergent devices. (Watch this excellent video for an explanation.)

Steve also confirms that it will be available ‘later this year in Germany and around the world.’ YouTube conversion of part of the video below:

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Samsung Barto HSDPA-capable UMPC shipping in Germany.

Posted on 25 April 2007

That easy-to-remember Samsung UMPC, the Samsung Q1b-Pro 770 Barto HS, ahem, is now shipping in Germany. Its the first time the VIA based device has been available in Europe and represents one of the first UMPCs to ship with HSDPA enabled.

According to the specifications on the Samsung website, the CF slot has been preserved and there are two mono speakers (!) Battery life is quoted as up-to 3.5 hours which is believable because the base Q1b has been proven to be one of the most energy efficient UMPCs there is. It also has one of the brightest screens. Recommended price is 1400 Euro which is shockingly expensive considering the Q1 Ultra is supposed to launch with HSDPA in 4-6 weeks for 1200 Euro. That price has got to move. Average online price seems to be around 1250-1300 Euro which is still a little too high. It doesn’t appear to be available anywhere else in Europe yet but I’m wondering if this has something to do with T-Mobile who are HQ’d in Bonn, Germany. Will we see it in their shops soon I wonder?

 Manufacturer: Samsung
 Model name: Q1b-HSDPA
 Model id: NP-Q1BV001/SEG
 CPU type: VIA C7-M
 CPU speed: 1000 MHz
 Graphics: VIA Unichrome Pro
 OS: Windows XP Tablet Edition
 Display: 7″ 800 X 480
 RAM: 1024 MB
 Hard Disk: 60 GB
 Keyboard: NO
 Mouse Pointer: NO
 Battery capacity: 29 (W/hr)
 Weight: 759 gm
 Size: (w/h/d mm) 227/140/27 mm

Samsung website info here (German)

Our datasheet here. (English!)

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Atree UD10 dictionary

Posted on 25 April 2007

Dictionaries never looked so good! JKKMobile has a lot more images.

As jkk says, shame its not a UMPC. Its not the first time its been said though. Remember this one? Or the Sharp RD-9100MP? Then there’s the EM-ONE and the lovely I-mate Ultimate (shown below.) Hopefully the Intel Menlow platform will enable devices of this size and form factor in 2008.

Source: Akihabara.

IDF new device summary. All 13 of them!

Posted on 24 April 2007

IDF was a turning point for UMPCs. There’s no doubt about it. Having read thousands of articles on UMPCs over the last year I’m able to get a feel for how any UMPC announcement is received and based on the Internet based articles I’ve read, it much much more positive than at any time since the Origami announcements of 2006. In fact, considering that McCaslin isn’t really much more than already existed in 2006, its quite surprising how much positive press is out there. For many of the mainstream Internet publications there’s obviously a good story to be had with the whole ‘Intel snubs Microsoft’ story which of course, isn’t true. And there’s legs in some of the stories about Menlow devices in 2008 and the new, smaller, keyboard-laden form factors. Mind you, nothing has been launched yet so there’s still a great opportunity for reporters to kick the hell out of the segment just as they have enjoyed doing for the last year. No worry though. They can have their digg-baiting headlines any day of the week. Its the long-term that counts and I know we’ll all be having the last laugh in a year or two from now. In fact, I’m writing this article largely for myself as reference point for 2007 MIDs and below, I’ve listed all the devices that appeared during the IDF Spring 2007conference. It will be good to see what devices reach the market and funny to look back on it in a few years time. I’m sure we’ll be wondering why we might have been interested in devices with just 4 hours battery life!!! On to the devices then…

Sub $800 UMPCs. Available today.

Posted on 24 April 2007

Looking for a UMPC today? On a budget? You’ll be pleased to know that there are a few options available under $800 now. Click on the images for specs, links and more images.

The Ago7 from AGOPC, a branded Amtek T700, has been the cheapest Windows UMPC for a long time. For $799 you get the 512MB / 40GB version (the same model that I tested as the Paceblade Easybook P7 here.) which is good value. Its a VIA based device and although Vista is possible, its not recommended. AgoPC also have the 6 cell battery available which brings the battery life up to 4 hours. AgoPC Ago7 web page is here. (No I’m not affiliated!)

The best offer I could find on a Windows UMPC though was the Samsung Q1B at a really good $775 (Google checkout price at Again its a VIA-C7 based device and is fitted with 512MB RAM and 40GB HDD. It doesn’t have a mouse button but it does have a high-brightness screen and an amazing 3-4 hours battery life with the standard battery. I recommend sticking with the Windows XP install on this model. link. (Not affiliated!)

If you’re looking for something even cheaper, how about the PepperPad 3. ecost have it now for $599. You get a 7″ touchscreen device with Q1-Ultra style keys. Its based on an AMD Geode processor, gives you 2-2.5 hours battery life and comes with a Linux-based operating system with simple user interface. As a sofa and bed partner (!) its a great device. My review of the PepperPad 3 is here. Ecost link.(No, still not affiliated!)

Finally, there’s the Nokia N800. Its small, cheap and comes with a very functional browser on an 800×480 screen. It costs about $400, takes 2 optional SD cards up to 4GB, has WiFi, Bluetooth and has a good accessory range including a car navigation pack. Nokia US N800 link. (Really, I’m not affiliated with any of these.)

So that covers the U.S. but what about the rest of the world? Unfortunately, things aren’t so good. In Europe, we have the R2H priced at around 900 Euro but I find this offer more interesting:

This is the soon-to-be-available Amtek T770 at PocketPCSolutions in the UK. 810 Euros gets you the 1GB/40GB Vista Home version of this device. Delivery to UK and Europe not included in that price. I will be testing the T770 soon. PocketPCSolutions link. [PocketPCSolutions do have some advertising on This is not part of it.]

Update: The Kohjinsha is being offered as the Cathena by Data Evolution for $799. News here.

If you find any new offers or deals on ‘value’ UMPCs, let everyone know by adding the info to this thread in the forum. Thanks!

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HSDPA USB modem didn’t work for me.

Posted on 23 April 2007

Today I handed back my T-Mobile 3.6mbps HSDPA modem and closed my 2 month trial contract. It wasn’t worth it in the end. Simplicity won over high bitrate.

I had a 200MB HSDPA contract with 2 hours hotspot usage for 45 Euro per month which included a 4G Systems HSDPA-capable USB modem. The HSDPA service from T-Mobile in Germany is great and they also seem to have WiFi hotspots all over the place. It really was a good service. The only problem was that it taught me something. It taught me that I don’t actually need faster bitrates I just need a bigger data volume. You see, the main problem with the package was the USB modem. In comparison to a UMPC its big. It also requires physical tethering through two USB ports (actually it works with one but its advisable to use two USB ports for power reasons) and because of that, I found myself dropping the SIM card into my Nokia 6280 3G (UMTS) mobile phone and using the service over Bluetooth 2.0 instead. No physical tethering. At first I thought I might find the bitrate through UMTS a bit limiting. 350kbps down and 56 kbps up isn’t the best so at the beginning of March I went looking for a Nokia E65. I couldn’t find one. The only choice I had left was to continue to use the T-Mobile card in my existing phone. But of course, I was left juggling two SIM cards and that’s a real pain. At one point I put an old phone back into use for voice but having two phones is certainly no easier than two SIM cards. So in  the end, I just left my normal Vodafone SIM in the phone (as I had used before getting the T-Mobile contract) and carried on using that instead. And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. The T-Mobile card has been in my wallet but I’ve rarely put it into use and I’m happier having a single SIM card for voice and data and continuing to use UMTS speeds. 350kbps is fast enough for most streaming activities on the net and the 56kbps upload speed, while a little slow for posting large images to the portal, isn’t too bad. Productivity doesn’t suffer by any measurable amount.

Another thing its taught me though is that I dont really want a SIM card slot in my UMPC. I would rather have a single SIM with voice and data and use a single mobile phone as a modem. Multiple contracts and multiple SIM cards is a pain.

T-Mobile HSDPA-capable USB modem. Gallery available.

So that’s how I’ll leave it. I’ve just upgraded my UMTS data package with my existing provider and will continue to use UMTS speeds until my contract is finished in Feb next year. At that point I guess data rates will have dropped (flatrate 3G is already down to 25 Euros per month in Germany via O2.) and there will be a nice choice of HSDPA capable mobile phones out there. I need something S60 and small. The E65 or 6110 Navigator are top of the list at the moment but there’s a long way to go until Feb 2008.

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ProBlogger tests MoBlogging. Needs a UMPC.

Posted on 23 April 2007

MoBlogging is nothing new. Posting via mobile devices has been possible though a wide variety of devices for a number of years but the N95 from Nokia has brought it into the fore recently with its high quality camera, video capabilities and advanced mobile phone OS. However, the process is still tedious and the results are not exactly pro-standard. Mobile phones are simply not the right device for mobile blogging.

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger has given it a go and doubts it will be a regular thing for him. He needs a UMPC. There’s just no comparison to using a smartphone. Its lightweight, quicker than a smartphone, uses standard feature-rich tools, is truly multimedia capable, easier to use and is the only moblogging option that allows you to preview your post in a real browser. (even at -6 degrees, or in 20 degrees) The whole UMPC moblogging process has become so much a part of posting on that I rarely think about mentioning it any more…

Medion. New make-up for launch day.

Posted on 23 April 2007

Bjorn Stromberg of Ultra Mobile life is showing off the Medion in final production livery. The production model has ben altered slightly to include new trim and the buttons have been redesigned. As far as I can see its only the frame buttons that have been redesigned. 

Old and New. The Medion UMPC. Availability in 2 weeks.

Meanwhile, the clock has started ticking again on the Medion Germany website. Delivery time is down to 14 working days again.

More, and better quality images at UltraMobileLife.

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