TGDaily, or to be more specific, someone called Wolfgang Gruener who sounds like he hails from these parts, is after a bit of attention with his article called ‘The ultra mobile PC Dies. And nobody notices.‘
Its not worth reading to be honest. Mr Gruener doesn’t quite get that UMPCs are still seeding. He obviously thinks they should have sold millions by now but there’s likely to be a number of marketing ideas being tried out before the right balance is found. Creating a sub-segment is a good way to target a niche user set to test out a new design approach. There’s nothing really new about these MIDs. Its just the marketing that’s changing. The Vega, The PepperPad3, The Kohjinsha. All UMPCs and all targeted. Just like MIDS. I’ll give Mr Gruener credit for being able to create link bait though!
Lets move on and be positive…
Especially as this weekend could be a Triple Unboxing bonanza weekend here at UMPCportal. Oh yes. The Medion, Ghz-class and fully loaded with Vista is already on the podium and it will be closely followed by the Q1b HSDPA tomorrow morning. The Amtek T770 is starting its journey. I’m hoping it will get here tomorrow. If not, there will be a break for fresh air and HQ videos on Sunday before the unboxing and live analysis continues next week. Did someone say that UMPCs died?
Oh, I got a solar panel today and am doing some testing. Looks like it will power a ultra mobile PC OK. Should we ask Mr Gruener if he can do that with his notebook?