I’ve just got round to having a second, more detailed look at the Raon Digital website. A few things have struck me about the Everun as very very cool. Firstly, the optical finger mouse. Its the first time I’ve ever seen one on a UMPC. I’ve never used one either (apart from playing around with my own optical mouse!) Secondly, its got a mini PCI-Express port for the 3G modules. Could be useful for other things too! Finaly, theres the auto rotate function. Knowing, as I do, that the resolution change on the AMD chipset is very very fast, it could be really usefull with that keyboard. Rather than flipping out a keyboard or opening the TIP, you just rotate and use the keyboard! Excelent idea.
I’ve finished updating the product page now and will add the model variants into the database tommorrow. I’m hoping to get some pricing too. If it comes in, as they say, below the Vega pricing then its going to be very attractive.
There’s a YouTube promo video on the website. Check it out below.