It looks like the Vista version of the OQO Model 02 is shipping as expected. Following last weeks news that the T770 and Medion ‘Vista on VIA’ device would be shipping, its no surprise that the OQO has been given the green light.
Mobility today have got an early delivery and will be testing it out and reporting on it in the next days. I’m interested in these reviews because from what I’ve seen Vista on VIA is netter than I expected. Not as good as Tablet XP in VIA in terms of performance (what is?!) but after some optimizations, its quite useable. Mobility today calls it ‘pretty poppy’ which I assume is positive but the boot up time seemed long at around three mins. Some fan noise was noticeable in the video too. It sounds like the T770!
ASUS R2H model number R2HV-BH013C has come up on the radar this morning. Actually its come up on the radar of Pacifik, a member here so thanks for highlighting it.
BH013C is a Pentium-M based ASUS R2H UMPC pre-built with Vista and comes with 1280MB RAM, and an 80GB drive. There’s also mention of a Hybrid analogue/digital tuner but this could just be a USB stick. Its not confirmed.
Pricing looks to be about 200 Euro more than the Celeron/XP based version with availability in late May. Unfortunately its only available in France at the moment.
I’m trying to get confirmation to see if this model will be available in other countries. Better still, will it be available with a McCaslin platform inside?
Isnt it typical? Just hours after starting the solar panel testing last week it started to get cloudy. You can even see the first clouds appearing on the sun power graph that I used on the first test. Ever since then the weather has been bad. Look at the last three days below. With weather like that I would have no chance of charging anything. The forecast for the next 6 days is the same too. The only good thing about the rain was that I was able to re-test […]
Its decision time on the UMPC and I think I’ve just about come to my conclusion – The Samsung Q1b HSDPA. Its not perfect but it covers the important requirement of efficiency very well. Maybe in a few more months there will be better options but right now I need to focus on one device and start testing and getting used to it. Let me take you through the reasoning though. You might be thinking about the same thing yourself so I’ll list my requirements and then go through the options. […]
Its not 100% correct, but with the Pentium-M CPU locked to between 600 and 800Mhz you’re going to get a good feel for how the Q1 Ultra will perform. I know its only a few weeks away but there’s all sorts of argy bargy going on over at Origamiproject and I thought this might help. In this simulation I’ve even added some pixels to emulate the Q1 Ultra screen. Take a look at the video and you’ll see what I’m talking about. The HD video quality is pretty impressive and the end result is that even at 800Mhz, the Pentium-M is quite a performer.
Both the Q1 P and B versions have been out for months and yet Kevin Tofel (jkOnTheRun) and myself have both chosen now to post something about the differences. I think we’ve got Q1 Ultra thoughts on our mind and need to vent them somehow! (Wired got about half of the claimed 4.5 hours. I estimate over 3 hours from my own hands-on) Actually Kevin went one better and dropped the original Q1 into the test too. Meanwhile UltraMobileGeek Thoughtfix was about to do a similar post. We’re all on the case!
Back to the test though. I’ve taken two Q1s here. The Pentium Q1P and the VIA C7 Q1B HSDPA from Europe. The HSDPA version has 1GB mem just like the Q1P so that takes it nicely out of the equation. Both are fresh (under 2 weeks) installs and both have been updated using Windows update. I’ve set the displays up to be the same, turned ClearType off and tried to make sure there’s even the same number of processes running. The SRS software on the Q1P make that difficult but its very close. Take a look to see what happened and remember, the Q1b (512MB version) is available for under $800. The Q1P will cost you over $1100. Try and guess which one is which before the video ends!
Firstly, thanks to everyone that dropped by for the live Q&A on the Medion ultra mobile PC last Friday night. It went on longer than I expected but I think we were all happy with the findings. I’ve finished taking the photos [Gallery here] and here’s a hands-on report. Remember its based on the production sample that I have but there shouldn’t be any major differences to the final production version.
I think Mike had the same amount of time as I had on the Q1 Ultra before getting moved on but he did well, collected a lot of onfo for the melting pot and reports it all here. Its good to read.
He likes the screen, doesn’t lilke the keyboard, like the stylus but didn’t like the speakers. There’s lots more info there too.
Unit is joy to hold. Feels lighter than the Q1 Classic. Weight balance is extraordinarily good. It looks much smaller than a Q1 Classic, but there’s one next to it and only the height is really different.