Posted on 04 July 2007
Like the I-Mate Ultimate and the Sharp Em-One, here’s a device form factor that I like to see. Unfortunately, like the aforementioned devices, it runs Windows Mobile on an ARM processor and that puts it in the Sub-UMPC/Uber-Smartphone category for me. No FIE, no UMPC tag! The HTC Omni (previous report here) is rumored to be launched in October. That’s about the same time as the Shift.
Unwiredview have the scoop and specs and they include an 800×480 screen, UMTS/HSDPA, TV+VGA out, GPS and 1.2GB of RAM. Its the Advantage done properly! I’ll put this one in the database and hope that it gets an upgrade to a Menlow or Mobile-ITX platform in 2008!
Posted on 04 July 2007
Following a news item from Engadget, I see that the Pocket Surfer 2 from Datawind is nearly ready to launch. The Pocket Surfer is a 174gm web pad with a built in GPRS data radio.
I wrote something about this a while back when it was billed as the ‘ worlds fastest handheld device‘ and since then we now know that its got a 640 wide screen, costs around 180 pounds including data costs for a year and works by connecting through a proxy server. Battery life is quoted as 2 hours.
If it displays web sites properly, it could be worth it for online poker addicts and the like but I’ll reserve judgement until I know how it handles complex web sites and privacy.
Via Engadget.
Posted on 04 July 2007
Looks like Bjorn risked his job for us today by sneaking into a VIA store room and ‘borrowing’ a couple of devices.
That’s the attitude we like! Full post at UltraMobile life which includes a planned launch date.
Nanobook specs and more links in the database as usual.
Posted on 03 July 2007
If you need a pocketable sub-umpc AND a new business-style phone, this could be a very good choice. I’ll be looking out for it in the shops here and getting my hands-on ASAP. Cut around 40% off the price if you’re taking out a new, 24 month, voice plan.
The E90 is in the product database. Check it out for more specs and links.
Posted on 03 July 2007
Sometimes translations are more frustrating than they are worth. is showing this image of a ultra mobile PC design that is translated as Brush Blood. Maybe its the Killer UMPC! I suspect its something for the Car PC market and that the pictures are just renderings but Lazion appears to say that its going into production on August 20th. There’s some specifications listed that include a VIA C7M ULV 1.2Ghz processor, 60GB hard drive and 1GB ram but I couldn’t find a manufacturers link anywhere. Feel free to have […]
Posted on 02 July 2007
I apologize if this Everun coverage is getting a bit overbearing. Its just that there doesn’t seem to be any other good UMPC news around at the moment and I just can’t put the Everun down. Its soooooo gadget and I soooooo want to write about it!
This morning, while I was waiting for my daughter to finish swimming class, I walked over to a cafe and sat outside with the Everun. It was bright (overcast though) and I had no problem reading the screen. It made me think about e-books so I downloaded MobiPocket reader just too see if it was any good in portrait mode. It was good! I think this is going to make a very nice e-book reader indeed. The text was legible, even when zoomed out you could easily read the test. With the keyboard you can flick through and the mouse makes it very easy to access the menus too.
I’ve never been a fan of e-books. Just like I enjoy having a CD case with cover art, I also like to have the paper book rather than a few hundred thousand bits on a disk. This might change my mind though. With the long battery life, light weight, good screen and the (rather large) bonus of having a full PC in your hand, it makes better sense to me than a dedicated device.
Click through for large versions in the gallery.
Click here for more Everun news.