I’m just about to pack the car for the journey to the UK so I doubt i’ll be online until I get to the HTC press conference tomorrow where it will finally be time to get hands-on with the HTC Shift. (And maybe the HTC Omni?)
Just for some fun last night I tested Ustreaming through the Everun with a new webcam I have and would you believe it, it worked a treat so I’ve slightly modified the reporting kit to version 2.0 and included live streaming capability.
The main changes from V1.0 of the Ultra Mobile Reporting Kit are that I’ve upgraded from the Kohjinsha SA1 to the VyePC Mini-V S37 (McCaslin based, 800Mhz, 1024×600 screen) and added the Everun and the webcam. I don’t have the HSDPA modem (that’s built into the Everun and available as a CF card on the Vye S37) and I don’t have the battery charger. (I’ve found some exceptionally good batteries and I will be taking two sets of those.) so the whole lot, that’s 2 PCs and 2 cams, still fits into the same bag as before.