Nokia has released the latest version of OS2008, added some features and made it available for the N800 Internet Tablet..
Dan / Thoughtfix at TheTabletBlog has just written up an overview of the OS and its features which is worth reading. In general, he;s very positive about the update to the N800 but he’s not as harsh as I was on some of the not-so-good aspects. For N810 owners the updates are minimal and include bug fixes and some touch enhancements.
On the Canola2 Beta front I’m afraid there’s no new news. Its still delayed.
Regarding mapping – Apparently the Wayfinder turn-by-turn component is available now. For Western Europe its just under 100 Euros for three years which is very good value. It’s not known what countries support real-time traffic yet but I will probably give this a test over the Christmas holiday period when I drive through Germany, France, Belgium and the UK to get to my Mums Christmas cooking!