Posted on 10 December 2007
Looking very nice indeed, here’s a protective wallet for your Eee PC from Brando. Its leather, allows use of the device while in the case and can even hold some of those old-school business card things. There’s also space for four SD cards. The best news is that its only $US38. Nearly as much of a bargain as the Eee!
More images and info at Brando.
Thanks to TSO for the tip.
Posted on 07 December 2007
Right on cue! JKK got a call from Nokia’s store in Helsinki to tell him that the N810 was in stock. He’s done what any mobile Internet fan would do and dropped tools for a few hours to go to the shop and check it out. This is a great picture. These two devices represent the current best in mobile Internet device engineering. The intersection point of ARM and x86 for consumers Internet devices. JKK has written up some of his thoughts from the time he spent with the device […]
Posted on 07 December 2007
Jenn, I feel sorry for you. I know what it feels like. Editor of, Jenn, has just heard that the Nokia N810 might not ship until the end of December and the reason could be because of problems higher up the distribution chain. This could be affecting all orders in the U.S. which explains why we’re not seeing too many reviews coming out. TnkGrl got hers (Is the N810 appealing to girls, girls?) but I think that was a loaner from Nokia. In Europe, it’s also a confusing story. […]
Posted on 07 December 2007
Jenn, I feel sorry for you. I know what it feels like.
Editor of, Jenn, has just heard that the Nokia N810 might not ship until the end of December and the reason could be because of problems higher up the distribution chain. This could be affecting all orders in the U.S. which explains why we’re not seeing too many reviews coming out. TnkGrl got hers (Is the N810 appealing to girls, girls?) but I think that was a loaner from Nokia.

In Europe, it’s also a confusing story. It looks like the N810’s are in stock in the Nokia Germany online shop but at Expansys, the UK versions have slipped to ‘7 days’ status. The N810 isn’t appearing at all on the Nokia UK online shop. Has anyone seen it available in other countries? I heard that JKK of JKKMobile is in touch with Nokia in Helsinki so I guess as it’s the home town of Nokia, that’s where we’ll see it appear first.
I’m quite tempted to order one to be honest………..oops I just did. Goodbye iMate 9502. Expect to see lots of coverage of this ‘MID’ over at I hope its more appealing as a consumer device than the N800 I tested earlier this year!
More info and links for the N810 here.
Posted on 06 December 2007
I remember when the Dell Axim X51v came out. That was, and still is, a seriously high-spec pocket PC. I loved it and always always wanted one. Then I kind of lost interest in PocketPCs and went the feature-phone route. Recently though, and I mean, really recently, like, last 5 days recently, I’ve been looking at a lot of PocketPC/Smartphone devices again. It started when I ordered the Vodafone version of the HTC Trinity for my wife last week. The GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth and 3G is just such a great […]
Posted on 06 December 2007
…all the way into 2008.
By the time the HTC Shift ships on Jan 11 2008 (latest date, UK, on Expansys) the biggest consumer electronics show of the year will be over and the Internet will be a wash (awash? Sorry Mum ;-)) with talk of the next-gen mobile Internet devices, low power mobile device platforms, longer battery life and lower prices. Yes, it will be months (and months) before we see those promised products but why would someone go out and spend over $1200 on a device when there’s going to be a step-change in the technology just months later?
You could argue that HTC’s main customer-base is going to be large-volume corporate sales that already already have strong HTC ties but IT departments don’t exactly ignore the voice of the Internet. When they search again for ‘umpc hsdpa’ at the end of Jan, the results page will look a lot different and the HTC Shift will be tucked away in niche searches. IT departments will see a completely different picture and their purchasing decisions could be steered away from the Shift. Its the tech web-sites, bloggers and early adopters that create these Internet pages (and search results) and if HTC don’t communicate with these people, its going to hit them in the back side very quickly because they are getting annoyed at the delays. HTC should take a leaf out of Dennis Moores book. He’s CEO of OQO, runs his own OQO-focused blog and is constantly communicating with his potential customers on OQOTalk. Just look at the activity on that forum. There’s more traffic there than on the whole of the UMPCPortal forum and you can guarantee that a lot of the good feeling that is emanating from that is translating into sales.
My communications channel with HTC and their PR company seem to have become a little blocked since the ‘launch’ in London at the beginning of November and it’s echoing what happened with the Medion UMPC. I hope it doesn’t go the same way because I still like the device and want to see it in the market ASAP.
If you’re tired of waiting for the HTC Shift already though, maybe it’s time to consider the U1010 3G, the Q1 Ultra HSDPA or the OQO HSDPA/EVDO
Posted on 06 December 2007
I really do hate using question marks at the end of titles. Its a sign of doubt and that’s not what a blogger should be presenting to the readers. However….this one really is a question mark and worth discussing. As usual, its a two-liner in an article about more general ‘computing’ subjects. This time its from Forbes who have just run an article on Michael Dell’s return to Dell. Credit also to Gizmodo who have picked up on it in their blog. Dell and Quanta are rumored to be cooking […]
Posted on 06 December 2007
I’ve been watching you iPhone and iPod touch users for months and now you’re becoming a force to be reckoned with so I decided to give you some air time today, especially as IntoMobile is reporting on pretty much the same thing.
How can I help you then? Are you just looking at news? Looking for a more complete mobile Internet device? Thinking about mobile productivity? Or am I just getting in the way of more interesting search results? I guess you don’t need a tailored front page or ‘mobile’ edition do you? If so, load up these RSS feeds into your RSS reader or get a better mobile Internet device ;-)