Here’s a nice challenge! You are going away with your wife and kid for three days. You are going on the train and will be using backpacks. What devices do you take with you?
For this trip i’ve chosen the smallest possible combo. An Everun S6S (with extra 8GB flash and HSDPA) my favorite keyboard (the Samsung Q1 organiser pack keyboard with mouse button) and a Nokia N82.
The Everun will allow me to import images and videos taken with the 5mp Nokia (The images are easily the best quality I’ve seen on a smartphone) and create blogs and manage the website if needed. It will also serve as a video playback device should my daughter need a distraction. The GPS (which is locking very quickly on the N82) will help us navigate and will also act as an on-the-go Internet device for checking emails and feeds. With the 3.5mm headphone socket it will also serve as the mp3 player.

I like the fact that i’ve got long battery life and no hard drive storage. Its all flash based.
So as you’ve probably guessed, I won’t be around much over the next three days. Simon and Kornel will be around and i’ve got a nice CPU overview article to post tomorrow that should give you something to think about.
Until Monday, Chippy.