Posted on 09 May 2008
What’s the best Internet-enabled sofa-centric device you can buy? Possibly the Hanbit Pad. It’s silent, semi-rugged, has a built-in consumer IR receiver and transmitter, well-backlit keys and a sturdy stand. It runs Windows XP Tablet, comes with Wifi, Bluetooth, 30GB hard disk and a web-cam, has about 3 hours of battery life and costs…well actually we don’t know how much it costs yet. Hanbit and their distributors are still working that bit out. In fact, I’d encourage your thoughts in the comments because Hanbit have sent this over for some […]
Posted on 09 May 2008
A short while back, I came across a blog in my ultra mobile PC searches by Cristian Sorega, Ricoh-GR-Diary. The ultra mobile PC reference turned out to be a really interesting one because Crisitian is using the Q1 Ultra as a partner device for his digital camera. I use the same device myself now and find it perfect for either receiving images via Bluetooth from my N82 or simply for dropping in the SD card from the my Canon. I asked Cristian if he’d be interested in writing an article […]
Posted on 08 May 2008
Expansys have put their pricing up for the 10″, XP and Linux versions of the MSI Wind. The XP Home version based on the 1.6Gz Diamondville (assumed) Atom processor, 10″ LED-Backlit, 80GB (2.5″) hard drive, 1GB of RAM, Wifi, Bluetooth and a 1.3MP WebCam is available for pre-order for 350 pounds. The Linux version is 30 pounds less. By Expansys pricing, this puts it at only 70 pounds (about 25%) more expensive than the 4GB Eee PC. The XP version of the wind is even the same price as the […]
Posted on 08 May 2008
45MB/s is as fast as any hard drive you’re likely to find in a ultra mobile PC so folks, consider this Transcend 300x card very fast indeed! It’s CF 4.1 compliant [PDF] and it’s got ECC (error correction) support. In something like the Everun S6S with the supplied CF card adaptor, it would be perfect and probably a lot faster than the internal on-board flash. At 229 Euro for the 16Gb version though, its certainly not a cheap option but I’ve found the 8GB version online for 80 Euros so […]
Posted on 08 May 2008
Reading Steve Litchfields review of the N82 this morning and then Warners interesting cogitations reminded of the multi-device strategy poll I posted a while back. Only a few days ago I was saying that I had been ‘locked-in’ to the N82 because of the camera and gps-related features and it’s because of this that it’s become my #1 ultra mobile PC partner device. It could be better (keys, dim screen, very slow browser, battery life) but right now, I don’t see a device that could challenge it with the sort […]
Posted on 08 May 2008
Mmmm. The MSI Wind is definitely one of the more attractive netbooks around. In white, it looks good. In the velvety black, I like it even more! The images come from TCMagazine (via EeePCNews) and include a pink one [image below.] TCMagazine also mention a 7-hour battery life which is interesting but I suspect, as this one is probably based on the Diamondville variant of the Atom processor, it’s with a large-capacity battery which would add to the size and weight. At 1.2Kg and 260mm wide, the Wind could do […]
Posted on 08 May 2008
Edit from Chippy: Thorsten, a new member of the team here takes on the R2E… To date the R2E has not had a full review done on it and since I owned an R2H largely to my satisfaction for over a year I felt I was the best person in the team to take a good look at ASUS’s latest ultra mobile PC offering. ASUS Holland were kind enough to provide a review sample for short term testing. Today’s report will not be a full review however. I will give […]
Posted on 07 May 2008
After delaying the launch of XP Service Pack 3 for an indeterminate amount of time just a few days ago, Microsoft surprised me this morning with the message on my Everun that SP3 was ready for download on Microsoft Update. I took the plunge and after several hours of struggling and one system hang-up SP3 is now installed. Not a lot has been changed but SP3 does contain all previous patches and some smaller new features that in Microsoft’s own words, “do not significantly change customers’ experience with the operating […]