Posted on 04 June 2008
As we discussed on last nights Computex round-up podcast, Linpus have also announced that they will be using the Intel Moblin core as their base for the Linpus Linux Lite OS. Linpus might not be a Linux distribution you’re familiar with but if Acer get their way, it could be on millions of netbooks by the end of next year as it will be shipped in the Linux version of the Aspire ONE. Taipei, Taiwan – June 3rd, 2008 – Linpus, a leader in the field of Linux solutions for […]
Posted on 04 June 2008
Not much of interest here for ultra mobile PC and MID fans as AMD’s Puma notebook platform is launched. MiniNote devices might be possible with a core removal and down-clocking but don’t expect netbook prices. AMD are clearly not focusing on ultra low power systems yet but are prepared to address a market in 2010. This from ZDNet. Scott Shutter, notebook division brand manager at AMD, said the chip maker’s goal with its next generation notebook platform is to cover 80 percent of the market. That means AMD is ceding […]
Posted on 04 June 2008
JKK and myself tackle a Computex Day 1 Round-up podcast. Covering all the mobile and ultra-mobile news coming out of Taipei. Intel Atom netbooks. Linux and Moblin distributions for netbooks, CPU platforms. Subscribe to the Ultra Mobile Podcast RSS Feed
Posted on 03 June 2008
AnandTech published some strip-down pics of the Asus Eee PC 901 earlier today and JKK has put them under the microscope to try and work out if there are any new features. Unfortunately it looks like the SSD drive is still split into two partitions making XP a pain to manage but on the other hand, there’s a few really nice surprises in there. Pop over to JKKMobile for the raw, naked details.
Posted on 03 June 2008
Its a good day for Moblin. Not only will the core be used by Xandros in the Eee PC at some point in the future but a competing, Canonical-led distro called the Netbook Remix has been launched. As with their Ubuntu Mobile distribution for small-screen MIDs, it will be made available to others that wish to use it in their systems and won’t really be an end-user software package but i’m sure we’ll see it picked up and modded onto all sorts of netbooks before long. Some OEMs have already […]
Posted on 03 June 2008
Guess what the first word of this Nvidia video is? a) Welcome b) Today c) Intel The Tegra demonstration is impressive, showing HD video content being decoded in around 1W instead of 12W but they clearly didn’t cover all bases. For a start, you can’t even run a big screen backlight at 1W and if I’m doing my research correctly I can see that Tegra doesn’t include a communications and radio subsystem. Even so, what exactly are they trying to compare here? They are putting a general purpose CPU (i’m […]
Posted on 03 June 2008
At CeBIT in March, Intel told us that they were the biggest Linux company in the world. We can’t confirm that but we can confirm that a lot of Intel bods are working on Moblin. 150 people apparently. Moblin is being developed as a core Linux build with optimised drivers, development tools and a set of requirements that ensures it squeezes the best performance and efficiency from the Atom platforms and delivers a rich and efficient users interface. Intel already have two companies that distribute Moblin with their own UI […]
Posted on 03 June 2008
We’re going nineteen to the dozen here at UMPCPortal today and its looking like its going to be the longest day of the year! A 24hr news marathon. If you can’t handle the pace though, you’ve got a few easy-read options. The first is our ‘River Of Links.’ which is where we database interesting articles, including our own, from around the ‘net. The second option is to go to the pink room where Jenn will serve you up a nice Hawaiian cocktail of news updates. Any tips for staying alert […]