Expansys sent over their demo M528 for me to take a look at. Thanks guys!
As you can see, it looks fantastic. Unfortunately it’s running a very early software build so I can’t make any valid comments about its UI, software suite and performance and so I won’t be putting that part of if under the microscope. Disappointing, I know, but i’m just happy to have it in my hands and not have to battle with exhibition crowds at the same time. More after the pics…
Click to enlarge or view the complete gallery. Specifications are available here.
What I can tell you is that it looks great, feels light, is pocketable, has a good keyboard slide action, feels solid and has a good range of ports. Its also got 4 radio’s inside. 3G, Wifi, BT and GPS. Just what Dr. Mobile ordered! The keyboard appears to be slightly different to the one I tested at CeBIT so maybe they are testing various designs. There’s a 9wh battery, headset port, mono speaker (good quality), built-in mic, 3G radio (it works!) , Wifi (working) BT (working) GPS, 512MB of RAM, 4MB flash, power and hold switch, rocker selector (not sure how this will be used,) full-size and mini usb ports, Micro SD slot, 5V DC input and a GPS antenna port. Also worth noting is that it’s silent. Oh I almost forgot, it comes in a very smart box which included a stylish lined-leather case. (Marked ‘sample’ – this may not be the final design.)
Full Gigabyte M528 specifications, videos and links to related articles available here.
I’ve got it playing MP3s into my Hi-Fi at the moment and I’m trying to measure battery drain but I’m not getting very granular reports back on the remaining battery capacity. It looks like I might have to let it run from full to empty to get a feel for potential battery life, which I’ll try tomorrow.
I did get the chance to make a video though. As I said, I can’t report on software (not that anyone was stopping me but it seems silly to risk embarrassing Gigabyte for no reason) but I’ve given you a good look at the device without you having to put up with the exhibition-hall din that accompanied almost all the other videos that are around!
[Update: Blip.tv deleted the videos]
If you have questions, I’ll be happy to try and answer them in this forum thread but please don’t ask software specific questions. Full specifications and links to other videos and stories are available on the M528 page. One article and video that I will recommend is the one that UMPCFever did in May. They had the Aigo version of this device. Check it out via this article.
Thanks go to Expansys for letting me take a look at this and for keeping me up-to-date on new information as it comes in. I’m looking forward to pricing and availability info!
nice! [IMG]http://rich-niche.info/cookie/img/smilies/happy.gif[/IMG]