Posted on 29 July 2008
Yesterday was fantastic. I had no idea that so many people would support the IDF effort. I feel honoured! We’ve raised over $700 so far. I can hardly believe it. It gets me almost to San Fransisco….but not back ;-( I’ve doubled my efforts in order to support all those that have sent money. I want to make sure we reach the target and don’t disappoint you so this morning I’ve sent out a request to all my business contacts with a small advertising offer. Hopefully we’ll secure the rest […]
Posted on 29 July 2008
As JKK says, this could mean that the device is moving towards availability in the U.S. I haven’t heard anything from ASUS in Germany yet but I’ve sent them a message to see if we can have a status update. Remember that the R50 is the smaller of the two tablets that ASUS will be launching and it will run on the Silverthorne processor with SSD and 3G included. I wonder if we’ll see any Eee-influenced change of branding or pricing? I doubt it. See the specifications and previous news […]
Posted on 29 July 2008
A clear message to ultra mobile PC OEM’s {democracy:4} If it wasn’t clear before, it is now. [If the results are not showing, make your vote and you’ll see them.] While some people will accept 3-hours battery life for an Ultra Mobile PC, 85% of people want 4 or more hours. 50% of people here see 5 hours as minimum battery life for a UMPC.
Posted on 28 July 2008
In the Gigabyte M912X unboxing last week, the second thing I mentioned was the washed-out screen. The following morning, in my tests, it was clear that the screen was taking too much power. Ding! Of course, it was a CCFL-backlit screen. I sent an email to Gigabyte who have confirmed that the (production) 1280×768 screen is CCFL backlit. They also told me that the 1024×600 screened version is LED-backlit. The 1024×600 screen will be installed in the M912M version. For those not familiar with the terms, CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent […]
Posted on 28 July 2008
It seems like half a year since I added the HSDPA-capable CMXP version of the Q1 Ultra to the database. Oh, it was! Samsung have finally announced it in the US but unfortunately the price seems to have risen to $1449 which I find a little but over the top for a year-old, $1000 device that many people have already retro-fitted with a $150 HSDPA card. It’s almost the same story with the Q1 Ultra premium. It’s been available for months with XP but only now have Samsung decided to […]
Posted on 28 July 2008
Just like the Kohjinsha SC3, the Fujitsu U2010 is a mini, no, tiny notebook PC running on the new Intel Menlow platform. JKKMobile and UMPCFever have reported the specifications (now in the database) and I’ve been looking over them. Firstly, the screen is an amazing 1280×800 which is the same pixel density as a Sony UX UMPC. It’s high, but useful. You can always bump the font sizes up if you need to. Secondly, the battery life is quoted as 3.5hrs under Bapco MobileMark 2007 Productivity. As far as I […]
Posted on 28 July 2008
Thoughtfix brings us the news (from The Register) that Moblin will be moving to a Fedora-based distribution. Thats quite a core change in architecture that is bound to upset Canonical and Xandros who have been working on Atom-optimised distributions and have also committed to make a Moblin-based version for netbooks. I suspect that Moblin will run the two builds side-by-side for a while. Dirk Hondel told The Register that "there was no falling out with Ubuntu, but the move to Fedora was a technical decision based on the desire to […]
Posted on 28 July 2008
Update: It’s the I1 (i1) not the L1. My mistake. Sorry Wibrain! Detailed specifications and links are now in the database. This, just in from Wibrain. We had news from UMPCfever that Wibrain were working on an Atom-based ultra mobile PC and I can now bring you some details in English. The L1 i1 will be based on the B1 design, will have an updated casing design and will include variants of the Silverthorne Atom processor and an HSDPA module. It’s planned to be launched running on Menlow (Silverthorne/Poulsbo) in […]