Posted on 15 July 2008
Well that was pretty much a total failure on the blogging front wasn’t it. I definitely should not have taken the M528 out with me. It’s not ready for service yet. [Note: Its a production sample from at least 2 months ago. No indication of what the final build will be like] I just couldn’t get the browser to work without crashing on I lost two posts! What was a success was the tracking and photo tagging. The S60 Sports Tracker software does a really nice job there. There […]
Posted on 15 July 2008
Unfortunately the m528 crapped out on me so here i am T9ing the text into on the n82. So you could say that the experiment failed although really i shouldn’t have chosen alpha release hardware!The experience is painfull but at least the view is good! Im off on the return journey in a few minutes.
Posted on 15 July 2008
Here’s the URL for my tracking page. Update: No, that doesnt work if you’re not logged in which is strange because I can make a track public and you can follow live. For example, here’s the track i’m running now. If I can’t find a better way, you’ll have to just use the tracking app on the right. The latest track is shown on the right and is marked ‘NOW’ Click through to see live updates. It appears that the latest live info is shown. I’m not sure if […]
Posted on 15 July 2008
I have some great ideas in the shower. Possibly! One problem with pro-blogging is that can be unhealthy, especially when you do it from home. I rarely get enough sleep. My breakfast is sometimes lunch. I don’t move around as much as I should and I’m surprised that I don’t have back and eyesight problems! I’ve tried a bit of Live Photo-blogging before and that’s been fun. My Wife is doing a good job of getting me out of the house too but I need to do more. My latest […]
Posted on 15 July 2008
One problem with pro-blogging is that can be unhealthy, especially when you do it from home. I rarely get enough sleep. My breakfast is sometimes lunch. I don’t move around as much as I should and I’m surprised that I don’t have back and eyesight problems! I’ve tried a bit of Live Photo-blogging before and that’s been fun. My Wife is doing a good job of getting me out of the house too but I need to do more. My latest mad idea is to combine work, sport and UMPCs […]
Posted on 14 July 2008
The software that could resurrect Windows Mobile devices as acceptable Internet browsing tools is delayed. Or at least the beta is delayed. Apparently there’s a few bugs they want to iron out before they release the s/w so you won’t be able to download it until Thursday. Its OK by me as the 624Mhz, 4" VGA iPaq 214 that I was going to borrow to test it out hasn’t turned up yet. Via The Unwired.
Posted on 14 July 2008
NeoSolar, manufacture of solar tech, has formed an Alliance with WiBrain. They will now be responsible for the operation, manufacturing and marketing with WiBrain continuing with research. This could be a strategic move for NeoSolar but I doubt it. It sounds like some form of investment to me. I’m hoping it will speed up the development of new products from WiBrain. The new 32GB SSD-based products (aff.) are out of the door now and should be shipping to customers in the next few days but I’d really like to see […]
Posted on 14 July 2008
Remember Lindows? A controversially named company that worked to bring a simpler Linux experience to the consumer. They ended up renaming as Linspire after Microsoft went after them and went on to create CNR which is a cross-distribution (works for Ubuntu and Novell distro’s apparently) marketplace for easy-install Linux programs. Badly needed! Last week, Michael Robertson, the man that started Linspire, announced that it’s being sold to Xandros. Xandros, as many of you know, create and manage the Linux distribution that you find on the Eee PC’s. I feel sure […]