Posted on 13 October 2008
We continue with the Q&A session with a challenge from A Nonymous (!) CCC 10. A Nonymous. Mr N is looking for a mini notebook or convertible tablet as an ‘all-round replacement’ capable of serious document reviewing, playing CDs/DVDs. Mr Nonymous sums-up by saying it should be a ‘home office which can be carried on the road.’ Price range, 600 – 1200 (US dollars assumed) Wow! You don’t ask for much do you Mr N. I assume you want it all-in one so we’re basically looking at a small laptop […]
Posted on 13 October 2008
‘Faster over fuller’ is the expression Jenn uses to describe how consumers want their browsing experience and I tend to agree. Personally I want Firefox 3+add-ons for my browser as it’s long my most important piece of software but I’m not most consumers. A consumer MID doesn’t need to be 100% FIE for most people but it does need to be close. The browser on the Archos 5 is, relative to existing consumer and smartphone-based browsers, a big step forward in the eyes of most people that have tested it […]
Posted on 13 October 2008
The good guys at have spent some time migrating their site to WordPress over the weekend. Along with the new publishing system, they have a brand new site theme. The theme is a big change from their old design but looks really clean and organized. They say that the ‘new’ site will remain in beta for a little while (“I promise that we won’t be in beta near as long as some Google products!”, jokes Rob Bushway), but is fully functional for the most part. Congrats to the GBM […]
Posted on 13 October 2008
Thanks to you all for the 30+ requests for buying advice I had over the weekend. It’s more requests than I expected so I may not get through them all but I’m planning on calling up JKK at the end of the week and asking him to do a customer challenge podcast to cover requests that I wasn’t able to write about this week. Lets get straight into it now though with the first 3 requests.
Posted on 13 October 2008
It was only made official a short while ago, but Mobile Computer already has a review of the Eee S101. Head over to the site to catch the full review (with plenty of pictures), or check out some highlights I pulled out below: "gorgeous", aesthetically pleasing underside looks just like the bottom of any netbook; exposed vents and internal parts cover keyboard identical to the Eee 1000, still has the annoyingly small shift-key to the right of the up arrow large trackpad that matches the lid color, single button instead […]
Posted on 13 October 2008
Finally, a new Eee PC is announced that can be easily visually identified apart from its other several thousand variants. Asus seems to want to prove their dominance in the netbook area by creating a product that manages to fill the oxymoron of the ‘high-end, low-end computer’ category. Announced several days ago is the Eee S101. Considering we are calling this a netbook, you can probably guess the specs: 1.6GHz Atom CPU, 1GB of RAM, 10.2" 1024×600 screen, and 3x USB 2.0 ports (I’ll spare you the rest of the […]
Posted on 12 October 2008
The product pages have been updated again this weekend to include more info and community features allowing you to research even more detail from one central point. Some of the features have been worked in over the last month and today I finished another feature – User Submitted Links. You’ll see it on the top-right of each product page. This will help other people get the word out on new product-related content. Feel free to submit your own product-specific website, blog, news tip, a review link or how-to, details of […]
Posted on 12 October 2008
For those of you who love OSX, but also love low cost netbooks, it might be your lucky day. Liliputing is linking to a very handy guide for putting OSX on a Dell Mini 9. Over at TUAW, Steven Sande has put together a nice guide compilation that shows everything you need to get Leopard running on the recently released Dell Mini 9 netbook. Sande calls it the "Little Leopard Laptop", which could made the funny acronym of LLL to compete with the EEE. If creating a Frankenstein’s monster of […]