Posted on 04 October 2008
Its like the school playground here at UMPCportal right now because we’ve adopted Italy-based Alberto as our new friend simply because he’s got a Benq S6. Yes, we’re shallow and fickle but hey, you’ve get to get the best info somehow right? Italians dont come cheap though. as we had to send designer sunglasses and promise to buy Fiat cars for the next ten years to get the report below. Make yourself an Espresso, sit back, enjoy it and feel free to ask questions in the comments or participate in […]
Posted on 03 October 2008
How long will it be until netbook launches get zero press coverage? The comments on a recent netbook story over at Engadget give plenty of hints. "Ahh i’m sick of all these mini laptops" says one commenter. "Please just make a weekly overview of the xxx rebadged notebooks that come out every day." says another. How long before the profit margins on netbooks become so slim that there’s nowhere to go with pricing and all the devices become die-stamped copies? There’s at least five versions of the MSI Wind out […]
Posted on 03 October 2008
When we heard that Alberto, a reader in Italy, was thinking about buying the Benq S6 last week we jumped on him! Flowers, chocolates, anything, just to get him to buy it and report for us. Luckily for us he fell for our plan and yesterday, received a shiny new Benq S6 from TIM in Italy. It costs 429 Euros without a contract (but with a SIM card and some free data minutes) and Alberto appears to be very happy. He’s sent us a big set of photos with a […]
Posted on 01 October 2008
The M912M is so easy to make a nice demo with. This video was done with factory settings (I used the built-in recovery program) plus Firefox3, Grab and Drag and a few files and bookmarks. A near out-of-the-box experience. Its fast and fun and even though I’ve just boxed it up and paid for the return post for it to go back to Mobilx, I just cant bring myself to send it back. The keyboard isn’t as good as the Medion Akoya I have but the touch capability, the convertible […]
Posted on 01 October 2008
Here’s part 2 of the recording that JKK, Sascha and myself made on the 26th. Its over an hour long but includes some great discussion about netbooks. Download here, stream now by clicking the play icon or pick the podcast up via the RSS feed below. Subscribe to the Ultra Mobile Podcast RSS Feed Apparently, we’re also on iTunes now too but as I don’t have iTunes, I havent been able to confirm it.