Posted on 12 December 2008
My country-mates, the Germans, are quite the netbook nuts. They love a quality, good-value product (don’t we all!) and they’re also pretty damn good at doing their research. Sascha, the top man at is getting huge numbers at his German language site as a result of all this. When he goes live with a netbook unboxing he can count on about 300-500 concurrent viewers. I tried joining the live video and chat once and it was impossible to answer questions as the chat session was a constantly moving stream […]
Posted on 12 December 2008
Here’s a quick tip for those of you that, like me, use F11 a lot and get stuck when it’s not there (or under a FN-Key as it is on the Everun Note.) Remap it with a simple plugin! – Remap Firefox’s Fullscreen Shortcut. Via Liliputing.
Posted on 12 December 2008
Gizmodo have just completed a browsing speed and accuracy test with three high-end windows mobile devices using Pocket IE and Opera 9.5. The results should hardly be a surprise. There isn’t a single reasonable result among them!
Posted on 11 December 2008
I’ve just added a drop-down menu on the top-right of all news pages which takes you directly to the product information for each of the 200+ devices in the database. Hope you find it useful.
Posted on 11 December 2008
Its working on the Beagle Board (Cortex core) and many other platforms now. Fast becoming the de-facto Linux-based mobile distro. Or is it just the media favorite? With 47 members in OHA, I think it’s beyond being just a bloggers darling now. Linux and Android for Vogue – xda-developers.
Posted on 11 December 2008
Interesting poll result at Pocketables. I thought people might have been more inclined to accept a 640×480 resolution but 800×480 topped the charts. Poll results: 55% want at least WVGA resolution for mobile internet.
Posted on 11 December 2008
It’s simply amazing that netbooks have reached almost every sales channel possible in such a short time. This video clip from shopping channel QVC in the UK is actually pretty good and gives you a good overview of the device.
Posted on 11 December 2008
According to this report from the company, Disruptive-analysis, there’s currently 35 million global users of mobile broadband computing with Europe accounting for 50% of those users. The summary is an interesting look at what could happen. “Free inch netbooks, provided on a subsidised basis by mobile operators on typical 2-year contracts are popular, but have a limited addressable market. The new market category of MIDs will grow only slowly. Only 3m will be sold in 2009, although by 2014 this should grow to ten times that figure. Unfortunately it doesnt […]