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Phun – Physics Sandbox [touchscreen friendly game]

Posted on 05 December 2008

Have a look at Phun, the free physics sandbox, available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. I’m really excited to share this game with any touchscreen users out there because it is really well made and lots of fun if you like to create and tinker. Phun is not a goal oriented game. It is more of a playground, or a sandbox if you will. You have at your disposal many different tools to create whatever you can think of. You are essentially using these tools to create objects and […]

Feed ads going bye-bye (too!)

Posted on 04 December 2008

Mobility Site just pulled their feed ads. I’m pulling mine too. They’re too messy. I’m getting sick of seeing them in my feed reader so I’m pulling mine in the hope that others will follow. Lets keep RSS clean!

Server upgrade this evening.

Posted on 04 December 2008

carrypad:~# uptime 16:55:49 up 64 days, 20:39,  1 user,  load average: 4.70, 4.70, 5.02 If you’re a Linux admin, you’ll understand that line above. It basically means we’re overloaded. Everything runs smoothly for most people but its certainly not as quick as it should be and there’s really no spare capacity for traffic peaks. To fix that, we’ve committed to a new server for UMPCPortal and the product sites that we host. Upgrade will happen at some point in the next 12 hours and there’s likely to be a short […]

Customers continue to wait for XP on Intel MIDs.

Posted on 04 December 2008

Customers are waiting for XP drivers for the Aigo MID and sales appear to be suffering as a result. Early adopters simply don’t trust a Moblin-based device to deliver exactly what they need and want the option of running XP otherwise they’re not going to buy. It’s not that they don’t want Moblin, its because they want a choice. Without XP and at current prices, they’re not buying. I’m sure that customers in France and Italy are happy with their low-cost carrier offerings but there’s a billion more people in […]

We’re part of the Blotterati

Posted on 04 December 2008

Hey! We won two awards from our friendly neighbourhood mobile blogger Mr Crocker! It’s good to be in a list with people like Steve Gillmor, Robert Scoble and alongside some of some of my favourite blogs and websites. We’re honoured! Thanks Warner.

The Original $600 Netbook for $100

Posted on 04 December 2008

On June 5th 2007, the first real-life into and images about two 7", low-cost laptops were splashed all over the Internet. One was a VIA-based product, the iDot Nano, and the first price estimates were $600. The other was an ASUS product called the Eee PC which had price estimates of $199. We guessed at a 600Mhz Celeron processor and said that there was no way you’d see that in a western market for $199. We were right but in the end, it didn’t matter. From that moment on, the […]

TG’s Lluon Mobbit XP-based MID.

Posted on 04 December 2008

Trigem (TG), the new parent company of Averatec, have just released a new tablet MID under it’s Lluon brand. Its the Mobbit and it’s running XP! TG appear to have implemented a UI layer over XP which is the first time we’ve seen this since the original Origami launcher software. Maybe this will give users the best of both worlds but we’ll have to see just how deep the overlay software is before making any judgment. Specs are pretty good too with a 1.3Ghz Z520 Atom CPU, US15W chipset (hardware […]

Unconfirmed: N97 uses an ARM11 processor

Posted on 03 December 2008

It might seem strange to see a news article dedicated to the CPU on the N97 but for many, its very important as it gives an idea of the general purpose processing power of the device which, in turn, is important when assessing a devices ability to decode and render web pages quickly. Unfortunately, it looks like the N97 won’t be using the latest OMAP 3 platform or anything that contains the latest generation ARM Cortex core. The news was relayed through a Jaiku microblog from the always-reliable, always careful, […]

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