Posted on 20 May 2009
Smart Q7 Originally uploaded by Im impressed with FBReader on the Smart Q7. The buttons work perfectly. Web tablets and e-book readers could converge today were it not for the stranglehold that distributors have on the ebooks. Why should you have to pay $350 for a Kindle when this is $190 and includes a full we browser, media player and a ton of open source apps. More images in my Flickr stream which you can find by clicking the image.
Posted on 20 May 2009
Q7 with keyboard, originally uploaded by The Smart Devices Q7 has been distracting me today. Theres a lot you cant do with it but there’s also an awesome amount you can do with it. If you’re into open gadgets then this is bargain of the year! 7″ touscreen, SD card reader, Wifi, headphone port, USB2 and all running Ubuntu on an ARM platform.
Posted on 20 May 2009
Some of the earliest pictures of the UMID M1 [Portal page] were of a glossy black version that had a highly contrasting white keyboard. Well, after the release of the initial white M1, it looks like a matte black version is on the way. has some images showing a UMID M1 which has a glossy black lid with a matte black inside and matching black keyboard. Jenn from Pocketables also points out that we’ve seen a pink and red version which have yet to be made official as well, […]
Posted on 20 May 2009
The still upcoming Asus Eee T91 tablet netbook [Portal page] is looking better every day. I’m pretty excited for this device and what it could do to spice up the otherwise (dare I say) boring netbook space. Electricpig has a hands-on gallery of the T91 which looks to be a production model. This is the first I’ve seen of the included stylus as well which looks like a wimpy telescoping pointer. I wish they’d include a more substantial stylus, but I suppose there are many third-part options out there. [GottaBeMobile]
Posted on 20 May 2009
While the Viliv S5 Premium Air might already come with an SSD and internal 3G, there is nothing stopping you from modding a standard Viliv S5 [Portal page] to include these premium options. Maybe you are doing it to save money? Maybe because you love to mod? Whatever the case, jkkmobile shows you how in this helpful video.
Posted on 19 May 2009
JKK and myself are struggling to install Moblin V2 Beta on anything at the moment as it looks like the image is corrupt so in the meantime, here’s a new walkthrough video. Thanks to DJore for the tip!
Posted on 19 May 2009
I had very well-managed expectations for this sub $200 tablet based on ARM architecture and a Linux operating system from a Chinese company and sold through what we thought was a very strange reseller in China. I’ve unboxed the device and I’m feeling quite pleased. Keep your own expectations in check though because this isn’t a UMPC. Think of it as an internet connected gadget, and you’re on the right track. The unboxing video is below but if you want to know more, tune into UMPCPortal Live at 2030 CEST […]
Posted on 19 May 2009
The easiest thing for me to do right now is to post the demo video. Looks great! Moblin V2 Beta is available for netbook and nettop architectures right now and you can download it from Also note that you can find out more information at Moblinzone.