Remember that hot upcoming touchscreen swivel netbook that was totally going to bring forth the era of the tablet-netbook? Yeah, you know that one that was topping the Portal popularity charts for some time several months back? Yeah, that one! The Asus Eee T91. This device is nearing the anniversary of its announcement and has yet to hit the market in sufficient numbers (we reported on the T91 back at the beginning of January!). Not because of lack of demand, mind you, but because of lack of supply, it would seem. This once hot device has since fizzled and according to the portal, has lost much of the popularity that it had previously acquired.
So what happened? It’s hard to say exactly, but the links section on the T91’s Portal page can help us reconstruct the story.
As I mentioned, we first reported on the T91 back on January the 7th, where it was announced at CES during an Asus event. As early as February, we saw some pretty detailed hands-on information, but presumably, this was still a pre-production model. We watched as the T91 passed through the FCC in April. Three months later, the T91 got an official product page on Asus’ site. Also in July, Asus UK told us that there would be three versions of the T91!
At this point, anticipation is really ramping up for the device.
Production model reviews start showing up from major sites around mid-July. But after all of this media attention, hands-on’s, and reviews from many websites, the T91 seemed to be released in a very limited quantity, and never hit the market with enough force to satiate the demand, or the attention that the T91 was being given at the time. A shame too because it seemed as though a lot of people were looking forward to this device. We reported on the 1st of August that T91 shipments were delayed to distributors (in our comments alone you can see that people were upset by this news), and the new shipment date should be sometime in September, but it isn’t even clear if that date was ever met with additional supply — if it was, it was too little, too late.
While the T91 did pop up for sale on Amazon and a few other sites, it quickly sold out and hasn’t been in stock since. So what’s the deal Asus, why was there such a lack of supply at the release of the T91? It really seems like they missed a good opportunity to capitalize on the anticipation of a product that people were actually looking forward to. The T91 had the distinction of being different than just another model number in the Eee line-up. Search popularity was well in line with a model that Asus is still selling plenty of, as seen by the following Google Trends chart in which ‘Eee T91’ search term is represented by blue, and ‘Eee 1008HA’ in red:Demand was there, but we don’t really have any explanation for the lack of supply. Much of what I’m seeing could be mostly from a US perspective, but I believe that the missing T91 is a world-wide phenomenon (correct me if I’m wrong). I’ve dispatched some questions to Asus to see if we can officially get to the bottom of this, and I’ll let everyone know as soon as I get any word back.
New article: Where in the world is the Asus Eee T91?
Well, I should, and, do count myself lucky, I got mine yesterday.
Installed Win 7 straight out of the box, and so far i am more that happy with it.
I have to point out that I only got mine because of some hard work by some very helpful people at a europe based online retailer (cannot mention the name here. because i guess everybody would start bugging them) I was very lucky.
I will be posting in the new T91 forum with my thoughts and experiences with the T91.
I have already had a sneak-peak inside my unit and it looks like somehow i have recieved a unit with the PCIE-mini connector in place on the mainboard, so, if this is so, I should be installing a 3G mod either tonight or tomorrow.
Morganj, after installing Win7 did the screen become multitouch?
No, the screen hardware is the standard single touch (soft) type.
If you want multitouch you will have to wait for the rumoured T91MT as it seems to be referred to at the moment, that will ship with multitouch and Windows 7, if Asus are waiting for the release of Win7 before the official announcment we wont have too long to wait. (Something like 2 weeks)
Maybe they’re waiting for a stock of active digitisers to come in so they can call it a Tablet PC?
Hi Ben,
monday Asus Italy ensured me that Asus Eee PC T91 will be shipping in Italy (and imho also in Europe) in few days.
Everything’s ready for T91 availability.
I suspect that just like me lots of people are waiting for Windows 7 and multi-touch capable screen. I will buy that in a second, probably a second one for Mrs. Vicente. Not going to buy a small SSD and XP now, and struggle with upgrading SSD and installing new Windows and all that. Particularly would rather wait for a product with capacitive touchscreen.
In Germany it`s no problem to get the T91. There are several stores that list it as being in stock. And the situation has been the same when I checked about five weeks ago. Back then I really thought about getting one.
The reason I`m not interested in the device is not the availability (becaus there is no problem here) but the fact that all reviews point out that asus hasn`t done its homework:
– dark display (only ~100cd/m²)
– low battery life
– integrated battery (no extended battery possible)
– no d-pad on bezel
So the T91 is more or less useless for me.
In Germany it`s no problem to get the T91. There are several stores that list it as being in stock. And the situation has been the same when I checked about five weeks ago. Back then I really thought about getting one.
The reason I`m not interested in the device is not the availability (becaus there is no problem here) but the fact that all reviews point out that asus hasn`t done its homework:
– dark display (only ~100cd/m²)
– low battery life
– integrated battery (no extended battery possible)
– no d-pad on bezel
So the T91 is more or less useless (not only) for me.
available in switzerland more than a month since
competitors don’t sleep, although Gateway EC18T convertible with 11,6″ and Core Duo won’t be so cheap
I, too, am enjoying my T91. I bought it on Amazon the day it was released it the U.S. (and it is still available here on a couple of ebay retailers. It’s far from a pefect device, but the form factor is pretty nice, and with Windows 7 it runs rather well. I’m tempted by what I see on the Archos 5, but not having a hardware keyboard is a big minus. If I can be convinced that the S7 is better than the T91, I might try going that route.
Indeed it has been supply. Look for supply to finally meet demand in the next few weeks.
it’s crap-sorry asus!
had one for testing for several days, dark, too dark the screen for daylight use (isn’t it supposed to be used on the run?), battery life is disappointing (no possibilty to use a spare), genuine sw sucks…
just another lifestyle gadget- nice try, goodbye!
In switzerland it is available.
They have 45 in stock and its available in the show room (have to go there… eaven if im not buying one :-) waiting for the Viliv S10… )
A year ago I would have bought it but now…. Sorry Asus you just got past!
From the current complete lack of U.S. supply, I had come to the conclusion that Asus has been waiting until the release of Windows 7 to provide stock, rededicating their manufacturing line to the multitouch capable version. It would make sense for them to then resupply with the Windows 7 multitouch compatible version.
Although I’ve read guesses that the price for the “T91MT” would be US$549, $50 more than the currently “available” version, maybe they’ll just roll it in at the same price point as an upgrade bundled with Windows 7. Absorb the added cost of the new digitizer and extra SSD capacity (which I’ve read Asus promises for all Windows 7 machines)… well I’m allowed to dream.
I am awaiting the multitouch version and hope it is not to be vaporware.
There are a few places in Hong Kong selling the T91. Retailing for just under $4000 HKD.
I just found that Amazon US has it back in stock at the moment. By all indications it is the current model. One week from Windows 7 and still no official word on the multi-touch version.