Posted on 14 February 2010 has the IdeaPad S10-t3 [Product page] and pops the box open to let us all have a look. This multitouch convertible looks quite slick and comes with a massive battery. They were even kind enough to include an English unboxing (embedded below) in addition to their usual German one.
Posted on 12 February 2010
For the next 6 days, Intel are sponsoring me to attend Mobile World Congress where I will join with our podcast partner, Sascha to learn more about the Intel Atom Developer program, Moblin and the AppUp Store. We will also present some sessions where we will talk about the IADP ecosystem an try to help developers understand where it does (and could) fit in…
Posted on 12 February 2010
We had heard that HP were going to unveil a new ‘3G’ device on Monday at MWC and we suspect this is it. Extended battery life, light weight, touchscreen, 3G and a lower price (or at least some very cheap ‘free with data’ offers) means this is one for us to check out at MWC. No confirmation on the processing platform yet and clearly there’s a question over Android makes a good productive platform. It will be interesting to see if the Google apps are on this one. Compaq Airlife […]
Posted on 12 February 2010
You might come to Carrypad for news on the latest and greatest devices in the MID segment, but if you haven’t taken a moment to familiarize yourself with our Product Database (hosted on our sister-site,, now would be a great time to check it out. In short, we have dedicated pages for hundreds of devices (with the latest devices being added as they become known), and use these pages to collect all known info on each device as it becomes available. The Product Database can also be used to […]
Posted on 12 February 2010
Engadget has managed to get their hands on a pre-production Dell Mini 5 [Portal page] (aka Dell streak or M101), and they’ve got a nice gallery of the device up on their site as well as a brief video. Hopefully they’ll drop some hands-on impressions later, but for now it’s pretty much just visual media. I’m most interested to see what they think of the off-centered QWERTY keyboard which is offset due to a seemingly always present numeric OSK — the keyboard could make or break this device. Check out […]
Posted on 11 February 2010
The Guardian UK have just tweeted that there’s a press conference on Monday at MWC with Nokia and Intel. Presumably they just got an invite. Luckily for us, I’m going to MWC as an Intel Insider (Intel are paying for my travel) so there’s every chance that I’ll be getting some good information on whatever is happening on Monday morning. Stay tuned here. I could speculate now but i’ve already done that here and here! Update. Engadget got an invite too.
Posted on 11 February 2010
Mobile World Congress is going to call for a significant refinement of my ultra mobile reporting kit (see below for previous versions) which means leaving the netbook in the hotel safe and traveling as light as possible. I aim to be roaming with only a man-bag and with about 1KG/2.2lb of equipment which is quite a challenge. Quality and speed of reporting during the day may suffer but I’m prepared to take the hit in order to be mobile and quick. Here’s a detailed look at my MWC setup as it stands just a few days from travelling.
Posted on 11 February 2010
UMID BZ UMPC Originally uploaded by The UMID is going to form an important part of my kit at MWC next week. It will be the hub for my photos in so far as I will be transfering images from my N82 via Bluetooth to the device and then uploading them to Flickr. From there I will be using the ‘blog this’ feature to push it out to my website. The blog process includes adding the article and links. E.G. this one Videos will require an different process but […]