Posted on 08 February 2010 has gotten its hands on some images and a video of the HTC Incredible, and upcoming phone which looks quite a bit like the HTC HD2 and appears to be on its way to Verizon (the boot sequence shows a Verizon animation in the video.) Despite aesthetic similarities between the HD2, the Incredible comes with Android 2.1, which I’ve been wishing was available on the HD2 the HD2 (it uses Windows Mobile instead). The phone is equipped with HTC’s ‘sense’ UI which is a custom interface on top of […]
Posted on 08 February 2010
Here’s a short and sweet message to everyone that insists on using terms like ‘game changer’ and ‘killer’ to define the success of a product. Customers don’t give a shit about winners and losers.
Posted on 07 February 2010
Engadget has found the Dell Mini 5 as it passes through the FCC. Not a lot of info here except for the fact that it has the right bands for AT&T, Rogers, Bell, and Telus data. Which means it’ll probably be launching with AT&T. The question that remains is whether or not it’ll be officially with AT&T with a subsidy, or sold directly through Dell unsubsidized.
Posted on 07 February 2010
Sound like a new product? I wish. These are a few specs from the Sony Clie UX50 which was one of the greatest devices I’ve ever owned, and one that I feel was ahead of its time. The Clie UX50 was available at least as far back as 2003, and had the ultimate form factor. It was a tiny clamshell device with a swiveling screen that could be folded down flat over the keyboard when you didn’t need it. Let me just throw you a few pictures so that you […]
Posted on 07 February 2010
Maybe I haven’t been digging deeply enough, but I have seen anyone even mention this annoyance. I’m already a paying iPhone/AT&T customer, and I pay $30/month just for the 3G data component of my cellular bill. In fact, if you are an iPhone user, you are required to have the 3G data plan, which supposedly affords you “unlimited inch data. When you really look at the fine print, unlimited in today’s carrier vernacular generally means a 5GB/month cap on data, but still, I’m paying for those 5GBs of data, I […]
Posted on 07 February 2010
VentureBeat has a short interview with Chandra Rathakrishnan, head of Fusion Garage, which is the company making the Joojoo. If you need to refresher on the device and its interesting background, take a look at our recent article. Fusion Garage has been taking orders for the 12.1 inch tablet on their website since December. The stated timeframe on their site has been 8-10 weeks ever since they started taking pre-orders, but since then we haven’t heard if everything was on track. In VentureBeat’s interview, Chandra confirms that the Joojoo’s will […]
Posted on 06 February 2010
OK, they didn’t actually mention Origami once but as they talk around the target usage scenarios for the iPad, all I hear is praise for the market that, just a few months ago was a non-starter and is exactly what Origami was aiming for. The true personal computer is here, the sofa tablet is here, the comfortable web experience is here, the consumer-centric OS is here and it’s everything that Microsoft was aiming for with Origami but couldn’t deliver because they were 4 years to early. Technology and operating systems […]
Posted on 06 February 2010
An interesting question, posed by Mark Spoonauer of Laptop Mag, about three different types of devices that companies are attempting to push to mainstream. Spoonauer put together a concise chart demonstrating the differences between these devices, and some predictions about the chances of success for each category. I’d add my own predictions for the future of these categories here, but I think Spoonauer has done a nice job and my thoughts mirror his own pretty closely. Check out his article here, it’s a brief but good read. For the majority […]