As we watch company after company announce that they are bringing a slate to the market, it is clear that gadget makers are pushing this form factor as the next big thing. There is plenty of noise out there, but so far there are very few solid devices that are actually reaching consumers. Soon we’ll be looking at a storm of tablets hitting the market, and here is a roundup of the three that I think will have a significant impact on the future of this category and may end up going head-to-head in this emerging device space.
1. Apple iPad

If you didn’t see this coming… well you should have. There is evidence out there that Apple’s mythical slate is the impetus behind this surge of slates. People we’re juxtaposing it with the Joojoo before they even knew that the iPad existed. Apple has the tangible lead on the touch experience on the iPhone and iPod Touch, and now they will be working their magic to translate that to a 9.7 inch screen. The iPad will run a modified version of the iPhone OS (which is in itself a stripped down version of OSX). Apple has two a distinct advantages over the other two companies producing the devices listed below. 1) Huge content library and content partnerships. 2) Lots of money for marketing.
Price: $499-$829
Availability: April 3rd
Official Site:
- Apple’s renowned industrial design
- Interface based on lots of touch UI experience and Apple’s usual user-friendliness
- Partnership with AT&T for $30/month no contract 3G data plan
- Lots of built in memory (16/32/64GB)
- iTunes/iBooks content library
- 150,000 (iPhone) apps at launch
- Likely one of the first major products to market
- Pricey on top-end models
- Restrictive OS (for developers and users)
- No Flash
- No webcam
- Will take time for devs to create ‘killer’ iPad specific apps
- No USB or SD card slot
JooJoo and Adam are both dead in the water.
I’m surprised, though, there was no mention — even as being on the horizon! — of the Archos 7 HT or the ICD Ultra. Archos has had a retail presence for years, has shipped products, and have really pushed with the A5IT. There’s a company that should be taken seriously. All of these others? Not. And since hearing the hp Slate will be hobbled with an Atom CPU, all the enthusiasm people had to that has vanished. People know what netbook “power” is like — they don’t want it again except without a keyboard, hp.
I didn’t mention the Archos 7 as it is quite a bit smaller than these other devices, and I wouldn’t put them in the same class. I also didn’t see it as one of the top three that will have the greatest impact. The IDC Vega is huge-gantic, and again I don’t see it as a top contender.
@mike: why bother with real products when there’s all that vaporware to blabber about ^^
The Ipad strictly cause its here for sure on April 3rd,and its got the apps and content straight out the box.
Ive been wanting an big iphone for reading comics since the 2g iphone so this is a dream come true for me anything else ipad does besides this is just a bonus to me. Just praying that it gets jailbroken so i can fully use it my way.It will come down to content for the majority of non tech savvy users and apple will have everyone beat on this score so will emerge victorious and rest assured im no apple fan boy i hate itunes and their exorbitant pricing
I don’t think there is any question about it. Apple will be the clear winner out of these three, the most that the other two can hope for is having some small loyal following and hopefully enough of a community to develop some interesting applications – but they can’t compete against Apple.
From what I understand, none of these slates does ink (I understand that there are workarounds, but nothing I’ve seen makes this an inking experience). No ink…no go. That means you have to type your notes. I don’t know about you, but I write faster than I type. From now on it would be great if reviewers of this kind of hardware would mention the lack of inking in the review.
Unless Google decides to make its Android Market accessible to non-smartphone devices, it will be very difficult for an Android tablet – or even a fleet of them – to mount a serious challenge to the iPad. They’ll be unable to deliver anything resembling a seamless user experience, and that will kill them in the non-geek marketplace.
I totally agree with Mike as always. I am looking forward to the Archos 7ht and the IDC Ultra. 7 inch screens are the perfect size for me.
My TC1100 is awesome but a bit bulky.