Another app that has been working really good for me is, Notes Pro. The app is a free download from the app store. With this app and I will just mention in small detail without going into it to long. You can find it in the App store. I can create notes either by text, inking, markup pictures with ink, email them in PDF to myself and then use GoodReader to import to my iPad and if I need to I could also upload to my DropBox or Google Sync. Again the A5 has no option like this that I have found and iPad wins again. The Notes Pro app does have its cons and pros but for the simple things I need to get done with it, it is getting the job done and hopefully more features get updated. I wouldn’t mind to pay for this app if this would help the developer. Here is the link to a quick video I made using Notes Pro.

As you can see that I am able to get more view of the web page, compare to my Acer Ferrari One F02. So with the resolution Apple did on this size screen of the iPad works best for it, giving the end user a better experience. Also the screen viewing angle on the iPad is really good. Your able to see the screen just about any angle.
So far I like the portability of the Archos 5 because it is small enough that I can carry it in my back pocket, but just like the way I can get things done on the iPad because of the bigger screen, so I most likely be using the iPad more on the road. For those short trips the Archos 5 will be coming along for the ride. This all comes down to having the right tools for the right job. Somebody that works on inputting a lot of data might be able to use the iPad, but someone that needs to run the full PC or Mac OS might decide that it works better for them to have a laptop. I know that you can use a RDP or LogMeIn apps but sometimes depending on the user if he or she would have connection to be able to access the office computer on the road.
Thanks again Hector. It looks like the iPad wins in the majority of the scenarios including the home ‘sofa-surfing’ scenario although the A5 is working as an ultra-mobile solution. One wonders just how that article would have read if the A5 had been an ‘iPad-5’? Given the productive scenarios that Hector is focusing on, I suspect the larger form factor would always win for him. Thoughts?
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Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios.: Despite the Archos 5 and the iPad being very different in… http://bit.ly/98DVtA
RT @umpcportal: New article: Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://bit.ly/dukINy < Ipad wins this one.
Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://goo.gl/fb/DkJNB http://j.mp/GADGETS
RT @chippy: RT @umpcportal: New article: Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://bit.ly/dukINy < Ipad wins this one.
RT @sascha_p: RT @chippy: RT @umpcportal: New article: Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://bit.ly/dukINy < …
RT @sascha_p: RT @chippy: RT @umpcportal: New article: Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://bit.ly/dukINy < Ipad wins this one.
Interesting: Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://ow.ly/17atJh
Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://bit.ly/dukINy < Ipad wins this one (via @carrypad)
In conclusion:the best device will be one between archos5 and ipad!? :)
so keep an eye on archos 7 (tho the cpu sounds underpowered) that dell looking glass, or whatever the name of the 7″ was, and others in that area.
Looking Glass sounds fantastic so far.
Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://tinyurl.com/277mc3b
It seems that the Dell will be available with an HD screen option. No ideal what teh actual resolution is, but it’ll be better than 1024 x whatever.
well … in the end how much more money did you invest in each one of the devices to make them “working ready” in addition to the price of the device?
Thank the lord that there are people like Hector around to give us a real-life side-by-side comparison like this!
Chippy i totally agree. therefore my question is a serious one, because by my personal judgement neither of the 2 comes fitted with a software package useful enough for any sort of productivity. neither android nor apple devices.
i also like to point to this aspect , considering the first netbooks with linux with came pritty fully equipped to the market – one price – all included. furthermore the older ones among us might remeber the times of early pc’s where the cost’s for hardware were one side of the deal and the (heavy) costs for software (to make the stuff productive) were the second half (and often software equaled hardware).
I try to keep my add on apps at minimum or get the ones that are available for free but yet be productive. Still cheaper than most PC type apps that you would normally buy. I better not look back at what I have purchased. :-)
Productivity on iPad and Archos5: http://bit.ly/al43xw
For me the choice is easy. Anyone want to buy my Archos 5?
I’ve said all a long that a 5″ iPhone was my dream MID long before the iPad was announced. Having played with my iPad for a few weeks, scale it down to 5″ and I’ll take it everywhere when I travel and keep the big one for the sofa.
A 5″ iPhone/Pod/Pad makes a lot of sense. I’d personally prefer an Android / MeeGo device with slider keyboard though. An oversize Droid with a faster CPU and better keyboard would do the trick
Yeah. A 5″ iPad would be fantastic. But maybe the Dell Streak will come through with a smooth user experience that just works.
Owner Post: Archos 5 Vs iPad in Productivity Scenarios. http://twitti.ms/BWzs
So, iPad Mini will be the biggest winner?
I would take a 5″ iPod Touch to go along with my iPad and A5.
I have to agree with the review.
I own both the great Archos 5IT and the iPad.
The AIT has become my home media center jukebox so that I can access my iTunes library, Pandora and LastFM. The iPad has become my daily carry device, with either N900 or Nexus One phone and Mifi for as needed connectivity.
About 40 bucks worth of apps and I have a near 100% net book or work/travel laptop replacement. I’ve driven presentations, taken extensive notes (with built in keyboard, not BT), checked in for flights, kept up with work & personal email, all with 10-12 hours of battery life.
A 5″ iPad/iPhone would be a precut compliment to the iPad, especially if the battery could last a full 24 hours.
Good review
Add me to the group waiting for the Looking Glass device. After having a tc1100, ipod touch, and Samsung Q1 there is no contest. The 7″ category is my favorite.
The only thing that keeps iPad just short of greatness is the fact that most productivity software is either v1.0 or hasn’t reached the Store yet. If the development of such software really gains momentum, iPad will become a tremendous mobile productivity device. Better than any Win7 tablet, umpc, netbook and the like.
I see no one ever compare iPAD to viliv X70 running win7.
sure iPAD might have somewhat longer battery life and bigger screen, but X70 much more versatile.
I use my X70 with full fledge GPS(not some half baked AGPS which need cell phone signal) for driving navigation. It’s also a moving map nav when I am flying my plane.
Also play H264 1080p vids.
will work as an ebook reader nicely w/ screen in portrait mode.
also run fullblownver of office 2003 s0 no need to worry about not being able to not make change or can’t correctly save files
Need I mentioned multitasking, cut&paste, and able to install a lot of stuffs that iPAD can only dream about?
I too, would love to see someone run a comparison between the X70 and the iPad. Yes, yes, am aware that x70 is, for all intents and purposes, a full blown pc compared to iPad, but I would like to see a comparison from usability standpoint. Say, light productivity using cloud apps like google docs, eReader usage, web browsing, Gps nav. I couldn’t care less about watching crap on Youtube or Hulu. On the one hand, yes the iPad has a sick battery life. On the other hand, X70 is expandable and has a full OS to work with (even if it is windows bleh). I’m a long time Mac user and as much as I love the form factor, the iPad’s usability seems very low for me (someone who doesn’t care to live in the cloud and be dependant on app store). Not to mention that I belong to the 7″ movement. In terms of portable productivity, 5″ is just a wee bit too small and 8.9″+ is just a bit too big to carry around easily all the time (and I use a handbag regularly).
The 7″ iPad w/ a full OS is a dream, I know. But it was my dream. Sadly, inasmuch as I really hate the Windows OS, these days I really find myself looking forward to hearing about the upcoming tablets such as HP Slate and Notion Ink’s Adam (which really promises to blow everyone out of the water if they deliver what they debuted at CES with a competitive price). Again though, they all seem to be 8.9″ and up.
So for us 7″ fans, anyone played with the iPad and Viliv’s X70?
I definitely second that. I carry my X70 in my coat pocket all the time. Can’t carry a 9″ screen. I have an S5 also but I don’t carry it around as much due to smaller screen as well as nonSSD drive. But I do carry on trip as a backup computer.
Nice comparison. I just sold my Sony Vaio P, Macbook Air, which were my work and travel pieces. I’m looking to find some replacements, whole 2010 feel :)
Based on this review, the iPad will be in my line-up. Now to find that ultraportable replacement…Good times!
Please don’t take me wrong, but I don’t think we should talk about iPAD
at this sites to much, because it’s not UMPC.
We should focus where N5 is now. I want to know some updates.
Best Regards to all true UMPC fans.
what is the physical keyboard that’s on the photos ? I’ve been looking for a nice portable bluetooth keyoard.
The keyboard is a Think Outside and when opened its 9 3/4″ long and 3″ wide. When folded up its pocketable.
also, I’m surprised there’s nothing about moving files to/from the iPad, which I understand is difficult ?
Much ado about nothing
That’s my thought on iPAD. Why does so many people care )o much about a machine so limited in capability. Can anyone tell me anything that iPAD can do that my viliv X70 can’t?
it’s not about doing more, it’s about doing what is really important to most people in an easier, better way.
What I’m using is a app called GoodReader. With this app it let’s me actually keep the files stored in the iPad, which I can view and open at anytime. This app also lets me connect to say Google Docs, or Dropbox, and has others and lets you sync files over so you basically can be synced with your computer. Example I have a Folder in my Dropbox that I keep all documents for work, in all my computers. If I want to view a document or transfer the document into the iPad I just open up GoodReader and go to my Dropbox account and tap on the document downloads to the iPad and then I can store into a folder if I want into the iPad; which I have made a folder for my work files. Works great for my needs and like how quickly I can get it done.
A badly written misleading article by a major news outlet calling cheaper chinese tablet PC running windows as “iPAD knockoff”
Nothing in article says anything about a machine w/ a fake apple logo
Wonder why they didn’t say HP Slate also iPAD knockoff.
Apple spent alot oh marketing. Wonder how much they paid these writers
Once again, much ado about nothing. I really just don’t get why iPAD getting so much more attention than any other tablet PC while being a less capable product. Most of the world must ve gone mad
Well, you’ve said it yourself, iPad is getting the attention because they spent the coin on the marketing. Let’s face it, where spoon feeding something to the general public is concerned, Apple is King. That being said, I wouldn’t say the iPad is an inferior product. It’s simply a different product. It’s not meant to be a UMPC or a netbook alternative. It’s meant for media and web surfing. It’s for entertainment, really. Personally, I at no point have wanted to lay on my couch watching youtube or streaming movies whilst holding a tablet awkwardly to do so (the mechanics of it all just seem rather uncomfortable). I have watched movies with my Macbook though, and it’s great.
As someone who works on MAC 90% of the time, I understand why people like me who are looking for something even more portable than our laptops take an interest in the iPad. It’s more portable, it has the trademark Mac feel to it and when it was just a rumour, it had the possibility of offering the OS we love in an even more portable format. Now that that particular dream has been smashed, there are plenty who are still willing to make a go of it and try to make it work for them. To obtain some way to make the iPad achieve a level of productivity through apps, that would normally only be available to computers with full operating systems.
Let’s face it, no one who works on a MAC OS regularly, actually enjoys switching to Windows. Aside from pretty electronics and a great OS there’s something else Apple offers that not enough other PC makers do. Service. Namely, an actual location where the guy who has no idea what he’s doing with electronics goes to when the computer he needs to work on stops working. I’ve had friends who had their Dell’s crap out on them and had to deal with tech support in India, and then mailing crap back and forth, weeks if not months of interrupted work, all to no avail. I’ve read alot about the X70 on it’s forums, and I believe even you Wildpig, have some issues with it that you would have liked to have taken care of. Yet the only option would be to ship it back to Dynamism, who would then ship it to Viliv, who I hear isn’t all that snappy at responding. See where I’m going with this? Anytime I’ve had an issue with my macbook, I’ve simply gone to an Apple store, made a beeline for the guy in the “Not all Heroes where capes” shirt and said “It’s not doing what it’s supposed to. Fix it” or “This broke. Replace it.” to which the answer is always “No problem. Oh, it’s under warranty still? No charge.” When I told my friend with the Dell issue about this, he muttered something about sticking his head in an oven. I can empathize, I’ve had PC’s as well. With a Mac, I have avoided my Sylvia Plath moments for the most part.
That being said, I still want an X70 (actually, I’d really like a side by side comparison of the X70 and the S7, anyone? Anyone at all?) but I’m not deluded enough to think I won’t have some sort of problem with it. It’s a windows machine from a little known foreign manufacturer. That just happens to be the only one that made what I want in the size I want. And when I do have problems with it will I message every geek I’ve ever met from Canada to Australia until I get it fixed? Hells yeah. You do what you have to. And will I be particularly pissy because I don’t have a Genius Bar to dump my problems on? Definitely. Such is life. I want a real UMPC, so I am willing to endure this.
Were Apple to come out with a 7″ tablet that offered the full OS and simply charged a higher premium for it, would I actually buy it? Higher price tag and all?
In a heart beat.
Well, you do have a point about service. Haven’t worked w/ Apple but thatls great to hear about their better CS.
Yes, I do admit that Dynamism didn’t really solve my prob even after sending them the X70. At least, they appearedmore responsive than most others. I still do get these occ unexplained freezes requiring hard reset, but less so after installing HID driver and latest intel GMH 500 driver. Possibly heat related also as some of the crashes appears to occur after my unit got fairly hot (but Strange still because lockup doesn’t occur immediately like you would expect). Any rate it does give me a vibe of instability compare to my netbook.
I have however find the added portability to be worth dealing w/ the known issues.
So my dream of increased portability not complely smashed. I guess it’s more like a harsher reality that I’ve accepted
There are plenty of remote desktop applications for Archos 5 Internet Tablet with Android, so look for them. Here’s a video showing off one of the remote desktop solutions: http://archosfans.com/2009/10/10/awesome-video-showing-bluetooth-keyboard-mouse-and-remote-desktop-software/
Archos 5 Internet Tablet: starts at $249
iPad: starts at $499
I don’t think there is anyway anyone wants to go outdoors with an iPad. It’s far too large for daily use outside of your home and the crappy iPad screen is not Pixel Qi thus it cannot be used to read a lot of text and cannot be used as A4 paper replacement for professionals and students who could really use A4 sized e-reader to also take notes using a stylus.
Yes nether the A5 or iPad is great for inking but the iPad is bit better with some apps available. Thanks for the link on the A5 RDP app, but screen would be on the small side but can be done. The touch experience on the A5 is not as great as the iPad, but I still use my A5 for those real mobile times that I want to get some work done and don’t want to bring nothing heavy and just something pocketable. The A5 is great for what it is, and does great. It’s like I bring the right tool for what I will be using. :) By the way Charbax I am still running 1.4.25 but will update soon. Only reason was because I didn’t want to loose my CoPilot, but even at 1.4.25 the market place shows paid apps as well and I haven’t updated market place since way back. I will be updating the A5 later this weekend. I can still use the iPad outdoors the screen is viewable and actually compare to my A5 the iPad screen outdoors looks better. I do use the iPad to take small notes that I would normally use paper sticky’s :) and have them for reference and delete them when I am done. Here is a link to school using the iPad’s for school: http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_14904063