Meet:Mobility Podcast 50 is now available.
In this show, number 50 on the 21st May 2010 we have a lot to talk about from Google IO in San Francisco to Computex in Taipei. Sasha and myself will be giving you feedback from our time with the iPad and we also talk about the netbook summit.
Full show notes, download and listen links at MeetMobility
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New article: Meet:Mobility Podcast 50 – Big Steps for Android
I am very curious and worried when you said the iPad is not going to be that large of an influence to the netbook market and that the sales of the iPad are in no way comparable to netbook sales. Worldwide, I think you might be right. In the US I think you are totally wrong.
Apple has traditionally been slow in adoption into the market, which the exception of Apple fanboys, of course. Looking at the iPhone saturation, it was 8 months before they sold 1 million phones after its release and right now there are more iPhones in the US than any other phone, period.
Already one month old and the iPad has sold over a million. And for a traditionally slow adopter market, this is huge, and will continue to get larger and grow faster. To say netbook sales or the sale of just $500 gadget in general would not be effected by this market is just silly.
It is predicted to sell over 8 million by year’s end, which is more than 10% of the projected 50 million GLOBALLY for netbook sales. The iPad still hasn’t been sold officially worldwide yet.
Personally, if I was in the market for a “supplemental” device, something that is in addition to a full powered desktop/laptop, the choice is either netbook or iPad for that $500 gadget slot and most people would at least consider the device that gets more battery life and recycles the apps they have already paid for with their phone.
And it isn’t just the iPad slowing netbook sales, at least in the US.
There are more and more low-powered laptops every day appearing in retail stores and they are bumping out the floorspace netbooks used to have. People are making the half-kilo and 1 sq cm sacrifice if it means a larger screen with higher resolution and horsepower to play Youtube HD (or stream Netflix movies) for the same price and battery life than a netbook. I know I personally am.
Unless it is pocketable, the size isn’t that big a deal for most. Look at the large market for 17″ laptops and above. Look even at the upcoming market for released devices with 4″ screens and larger for a smartphone. Even pocketable sizes are changing to larger form factors if it means more power and features are available. If it is not designed to be pocketed, it will have to go in a bag of some sort and carried that way. At that point half a kilo isn’t that big of a difference and the performance sacrifice is too great on a netbook for that choice.
But again this is my perception of the US market, ymmv.