Checking in on the Notion Ink Adam Tablet

Checking in on the Notion Ink Adam Tablet

Posted on 14 July 2010, Last updated on 31 July 2015 by

notion ink adam If you need a little refresher, the Adam is an Android tablet with a 10.1 inch screen, which doesn’t sound exciting by itself, but the Adam promises some unique features:

  • Pixel Qi Screen
  • Back trackpad
  • 1080p content decoding with HDMI output
  • Support for Flash 10.1 and streaming HD videos
  • 140 hours or audio playback and 16 hours of HD video playback
  • Modified Android interface: “Not just the expanded screens. You will see slow and steady improvements on all UI areas making Android the perfect OS for tablets inch

It’s been a little while so I think we’re do for a checkup on the Adam which is supposedly still in the works.

Back in February, I wrote up an article entitled “Everything We Know About the Notion Ink Adam inch which garnered a decent amount of attention and showed that there is certainly some interest in the device. Back if February when the device was shown off at Mobile World Congress, people were excited to envision the Adam competing with the (at the time) upcoming iPad, and comparisons between the two were entirely inevitable. Unfortunately, the iPad has been out for several months, while the Notion Ink Adam is still a no-show and we speculated back in March that the Adam could go the way of vaporware (though we’d be happy to be wrong).

So what’s happened since then? Well, we can confirm now that Notion Ink is indeed planning on releasing two versions of the Adam. One of which will have the Pixel Qi screen, and the other will have a standard screen. Both will be capacitive touchscreens, but the Pixel Qi-less option is presumably to have a lower priced option. Aside from that, Notion Ink’s official Adam site is relatively unchanged since we last checked in.

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6 Comments For This Post

  1. turn_self_off says:

    sounds to me like nvidia and pixel qi have delivery problems.

  2. waiting says:

    Pixel qi has already sold screens for replacements on laptops. Notion is being very difficult to talk to about anything lately. They have an official Facebook page that is only updating with Ipad jokes and fan count statuses. I’ll be honest, I want this device, I will probably do back flips when I hear it’s been released, but I don’t see anything that says they can deliver it any time this summer and Christmas is looking weak. All I want is some news, something from them, an interview, a statement, something…

  3. Ben says:

    If you DO end up doing backflips, please put a video on YouTube! I’ll let you guys know if they respond to my inquiry. I just hope this thing doesn’t end up going the way of the Joojoo, but I think there is a high likelyhood of that for a device from a startup company.

  4. aludal says:

    To waiting; exactly! I would only add from my experience:
    1) PixelQi lady when asked about NotionInk as a OEM/consumer for her screens went completely blank, and stays so since Feb. Alright, that PixelQi might turn out even more weird and doomed startup than NotionInk itself. When asked about DIY kits she told a lie like kits will contain only PixelQi layers to add to the customer’s existing screen. The whole OLPC group where she came from is a bunch of sad clowns (I translate OLPC as “No Child’s Behind Left”, and it’s not only me who thinks so, lol)
    2) Notion Ink has lost its Android developers back in Feb and accordingly stopped showing up at major technology exhibitions since. The reason is like there’s nothing to show better than, say, the same Indian Compal across their street in Haiderabad can show. Which is nothing. Their only hope Google will take them as a prototype. Now, Google is well known by throwing huge money to the wind (Orkut, Wave, etc.) but hardly this trick will work for a sheer non-performance of NI.
    To Benz: Back in Jan-Feb, I’ve got into some sort of correspondence with Rohan. Aborted it after an exchange of 2-3 messages, as useless waste of time: not a single bit of useful information, just some unintelligible Indian chanting developing into a serious case of mass hysteria. A sample, a letter from Rohan (together with my own leter musings of what tablet computing should look like — unfinished) is in my blog.
    Moreover, I suspect that when and if PixelQi screens will become really available, NI will be last in line to get them. The same applies to Tegra 250 boards — even if they have nVidia fab for these right across street…. Oh shoot! they (NI) are not in Haiderabad now, they moved to Bangalore… whatever.

    I’d rather put a tab and keep looking for Liquavista developments. Those are serious people with much, much less chanting.

  5. PJE says:

    I thought when I first saw pictures of the inside of the Adam that it wasn’t ready for production – it was simply the Nvidia Tegra 2 development board mounted in the enclosure with a Pixel Qi display…

    For a small company to take that and produce a robust production device takes either a lot of time (making them miss the launch window) or money.

    Having said that, I’m still looking forward to this device – unless a 7″ Tegra 2 unit becomes available before hand!

  6. Kevin White says:

    The Marvell OLPC platform at $100.00 is going to Whack profit margins
    of other players. Still, their close relationship with pixel Qi, which
    spun off from OLPC, might give them an edge on collaboration to “brand”
    the OLPC unit as an ADAM II. (can anyone make money at those price points?)

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