Posted on 03 August 2010
There are a slew of Android tablets which are heading our way but here’s one for the more budget conscious. The Smartbook designed ‘SURFER’ is a 7 inch tablet loaded with Android 2.1. For the €179 ($236 USD) price tag the specifications are actually quite impressive, a 720MHz Telechips TTC8902 processor, 256 MB DDR2 RAM, 2GB inbuilt storage, WiFi, microSD slot, webcam, 800×480 resolution display and a 1400mAh battery all make this a compelling option for someone in the market for such a device. On top of that, Smartbook say […]
Posted on 03 August 2010
There are a slew of Android tablets which are heading our way but here’s one for the more budget conscious. The Smartbook designed ‘SURFER’ is a 7” tablet loaded with Android 2.1. For the €179 ($236 USD) price tag the specifications are actually quite impressive, a 720MHz Telechips TTC8902 processor, 256 MB DDR2 RAM, 2GB inbuilt storage, WiFi, microSD slot, webcam, 800×480 resolution display and a 1400mAh battery all make this a compelling option for someone in the market for such a device. On top of that, Smartbook say the […]
Posted on 03 August 2010
This story is getting more interesting by the minute. We told you yesterday that appears to be set to launch a Model 03 OQO ultra mobile PC in Q3 2010 (more specifically, August, according to the site). Now it looks like the official US OQO site (which hasn’t seen any updates since the company went out of business in April, 2009) has been tampered with. According to a comment on the story on Engadget, the site was briefly updated with text at the bottom stating “We did not sell […]
Posted on 02 August 2010
The entire site is in Chinese, but I’ve extracted as much info as I could using Google Translate. appears to be the official Chinese arm of OQO An article on the site dated December 12, 2007 notes that “Austrian Technologies Co., Ltd. Beijing Century OQO exclusive commissioned by the United States, will complete the Greater China business. inch It would seem as though went into hibernation after the US OQO went out of business, but now they have returned. In an article dated July 18th, 2010, the OQO’s […]