As I look to organise and tag my Flickr images more orderly i’ve been looking for a way to search for photos I shot using different cameras. Using advanced search doesnt give a camera option but I found a way.
Via this post I found that you can search for images from certain cameras so I yanked the search term from the URL and applied it to a search URL that included my user id. It worked so I need to write this down for reference.
Searching for all photos of orchids taken with an N82 yields this search URL.
You can see the section “&cm=nokia%2Fn82” take note of that.
Now a search for orchids from my photos. Note: The 12345678 is not my user ID. I’ve changed it. You’ll see yours when you do your own search.
Now you have your user id, put it together with the camera field in a new URL so:
Trala! You’ll find all images taken with an N82. Obviously you’ll need to replace the camera ID. All camera IDs are listed here.
Have fun.
Great tip Chippy. Any idea if it’s possible to search through ALL photos with a particular camera? Might be a great way to find unannounced devices : P