Just arrived in the Samsung Apps market today is Need For Speed Shift Full version – Free. This is the second racing game to appear in the last week. Previously we had Asphalt 5 HD, again, full and free. If you’ve got a Galaxy Tab these apps might not be appearing in your Samsung Apps catalogue due to country restrictions. My Tab was bought and is operating in Germany although it is set to English language. Need For Speed Shift does not appear in the standard Android Market here so I’m not sure if there’s an alternative route for it. Let me know if it’s available where you are (and if it’s also free indicating that the Samsung App catalogue is largely a marketing channel!) Oh, and before you ask, no, I’m not putting up the .apk , Sorry!
I am putting up a video though. You can see Need For Speed Shift demonstrated in the video below. Watch in HQ/480p for best version.
It works well! Smooth, responsive, enjoyable! If you’ve got a Tab, look for it in the Samsung Apps application.
i find myself reminded of the old origami video…
specifically when it fades to the guy playing games at the subway station or some such place
impressive indeed, is it as pretty as Asphalt 5? Asphalt 5 runs horribly on SnapDragon.
i dont see NFS in the market yet.
even though everyone was bitching about the Nexus S, i think GalaxyTab owners should be thrilled. this means that Hummingbird is going to be the CPU/GPU combo that Google & devs will be targeting this year for optimizations like SnapDragon was last year.
also, it’s impressive how many icons & widgets can fit on your homescreen!
Its a really nice game. BUT: I haven’t played it without a lockdown. It always ended up rebooting my tab. Has anyone also experienced this? I have the German t-mobile “branded” tab.