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Notion Ink Shows the Adam Unboxing Experience-Box Doubles as a Stand!

Posted on 21 January 2011

Over at Notion Ink’s official blog Rohan Shravan (CEO) has posted pictures of the shipping progress and several photos of the Adam being unboxed. They’ve done something neat here and actually put a bit of thought into the box that the Adam comes in. The box can function as a simple stand for the device which I think is a great idea. I always find it a shame when companies use nice materials for the boxes of their products, but in the end you can’t do much with it once you take your device out of it. I hope that Notion Ink’s little stand/box idea finds its way to other companies. Check out the unboxing after the break.

Aigo N700 Landed. First Thoughts.

Posted on 21 January 2011

Think4it Solutions have just sent over an Aigo N700 that they are testing with a view to distributing in the UK.  The N700 already sells in China and with 3G, it sells for,  I’m told,  around $300.  Running on an unspecified Qualcomm platform at 600mhz it isn’t the fastest device and I’ve managed to determine that it is an older ARMv6 core which means it’s similar in build to the Viewpad 7. Where the Viewpad 7 has Google approval though,  the N700 doesn’t and that means no Market,  no Gmail,  […]

50 Ways to Improve the Galaxy Tab (and other Tablets)

Posted on 21 January 2011

If you need to know what’s really important in a tablet design, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve done a LOT of research. In this article I pull all that knowledge together in a huge list of tablet improvements, based on the good old Samsung Galaxy Tab. Also read: things to consider when designing or buying a tablet-style device.  Acheckist for a quality handheld internet tablet. The iPad and Galaxy Tab were great, great examples of early consumer tablets in the market and for me the quality and mobility […]

Samsung Continuum Ticker Display on Video

Posted on 21 January 2011

Here’s a video showing how the Samsung Continuum’s “ticker” display functions and some of the issues that it has.

For more on the Samsung Continuum, be sure to check out its tracking page in our extensive device database for gallery photos, links, stats, specs, and more.

Video Recorded Entirely with Nokia N8 Shows Off Its Camera Capabilities

Posted on 21 January 2011

Nokia has a long history of building quality cameras into it’s phones. Chippy swears by his trusty N82 as a pocket camera, and I was very impressed with the N900’s camera. Nokia’s latest phone, the N8 is certainly living up to the family name.

Toshiba NB550D – AMD Fusion Pre-Order. Unboxed, Tested for Video Performance Too

Posted on 20 January 2011

Are you waiting to see how that 1Ghz dual-core AMD Fusion platform benchmarks before buying your next 10 inch device? I am. As someone who’s had a netbook for nearly two years now I am probably in the same boat as millions of other people I’m looking for an upgrade. I’m not buying until i’ve assessed Fusion though which means I’m scouring the web for information every day. I’ve seen reports on the 1.6Ghz dual-core Zacate E-Series devices but they’re not targeted at the 10 inch segment. The one that’s […]

How Was my CES 2011 Mobile Reporting Kit?

Posted on 20 January 2011

My reporting kit changed quite a bit for this years CES show in Las Vegas. I’m aiming for a shift in devices, an improvement in video, preservation of my smartphone battery life and, of course, a test of new equipment. Without testing new equipment it is impossible to know if there’s a better solution out there. As a reminder here’s what I’m trying to achieve. All day battery life (no chargers) Video with long lens Video for close-up Video for quick processing and posting to YouTube Images with long lens […]

UK Company Testing Viliv X70 Slate – Feedback Positive

Posted on 20 January 2011

There are a lot of companies out there that you’ve never heard of but who have an important role in deciding whether a device hits the market. The distributors are often, along with carriers, the first people to have hands-on with preliminary hardware builds. They make multi-million dollar decisions and can make or break a product. It’s a risky, but important behind-the-scenes business. One UK distributor that has been bringing mobile computing solutions to retailers and large business customers in the education, government and corporate sectors is Think 4 IT […]

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