ECS were quite confident that they will be the first ODM to get an Oaktrail Tablet into production when they receive the final version of the production Oaktrail platform at the beginning of April. Of course this doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to go out and buy one then but they already have customers lined up in the US and in Russia. It could be in customers hands by the end of April.
We took a close look at the S10 production sample and saw some reasonable Windows performance scores and, after a 5 minute performance test, in-use battery life of about 5hrs. ECS tell us there’s more to come in the final version and are quoting 8hrs battery life.
As far as UI performance goes It wasn’t too fluid but again, final hardware and drivers are said to fix that. We’ll see!
At 700gm (the device we had was said to be 660gm) its very light so if it can reach 6hrs of usable battery life it’s a big step forward for ultra mobile PCs.

Posted from WordPress for Android with the Galaxy Tab
ECS S10 Oaktrail Tablet PC Hands-On: ECS were quite confident that they will be the first ODM…
ECS S10 Oaktrail Tablet PC Hands-On: ECS were quite confident that they will be the first ODM…
x86 based ultimate super mobile device will in everyone pocket.
I’m excited about this Hands-On Table PC. I will not surprise that someday PC is as small as cellphones which is quite amazing.