Posted on 23 March 2011
Thanks to I have a Toshiba NB550D in my hands for a few days while they have my Asus Aspire One 522. Having just spent a lot of time with the 522 with testing and upgrading, its the perfect time to compare it with another AMD Brazos device. The first thing I noticed as I pulled the NB550D out of the box was the weight, the construction and the rubberised finish on the back of the display. It’s about 10% heavier than the Acer Aspire One 522 but that […]
Posted on 23 March 2011
Now isn’t this just typical of Woot. Here I am, right about to head to sleep when has to go and put up some awesome gadget that I have to tell you all about. If this were any other site, I would go to sleep and write about it in the morning, but this is Woot and that means that this deal good for today only! Therefor, the sooner you know about it, the better (you can thank me with a cup of coffee in the morning, if you must).
Posted on 23 March 2011
With the launch of Verizon’s first 4G (LTE) smartphone, the HTC Thunderbolt, just behind us I thought it’d be a good time to lay down an overview of Verizon’s initial 4G device lineup. If you’re planning on jumping into the 4G action, listen up: these are the devices that you’ll be seeing right down the road.
Posted on 21 March 2011
Today, Google is introducing the Nexus S 4G for use on Sprint’s network, and also some exciting Google Voice integration for Sprint customers
Posted on 21 March 2011
Our favorite deal-a-day site, (and sister site has a solid deal on the most recently released iPod Touch. If you’re looking to grab one of the most user friendly MIDs on the market, you’ve got your choice between 8GB and 32GB.
Posted on 21 March 2011
Friday is turning out to be a good day. The iPad 2 launches in Europe (although I still don’t see any official pricing in Germany) and it’s my Birthday. Now, I hear that the Eee Pad Transformer is launching too. Decisions decisions! The Eee Pad Transformer is an interesting product because it takes the idea of the smartbook one step further. It uses the Honeycomb operating system (which could enable a far superior laptoping experience than 2.x ever did) and it uses a keyboard mechanism that can be un-docked to […]
Posted on 18 March 2011
IDF Beijing is the first Intel Developer Forum of 2011 and it starts on 12th April. While it’s not as big as IDF San Francisco in Sept it serves an important event for Intel in Asia because it is about now that ODMs will be looking at platforms for the Q4 market. IDF Beijing could provide us with important clues as to what advances will be made and how Intel want to market their platforms and software solutions in 2011. In previous Beijing events we’ve seen… IDF Beijing 2010 Tunnel […]
Posted on 17 March 2011

Meet:Mobility Podcast 66 is now available. In this podcast we talk about AMD Fusion, the HTC Flyer, Eee Pad Memo and talk about what ‘post-pc’ really means. JKK and Al Sutton join Chippy Listen, subscribe and download at MeetMobility here.