We finally got our own review sample of the Lenovo U300s. Our first review hands-on is below.
This Ultrabook is not exactly the easiest to get hold of. Even buying it is quite a challenge in some countries. Stay tuned for some detailed review posts on the U300s over the next 2 weeks. I would also like to invite you to put 9pm Berlin Time on Friday 11th in your calendars. I’m pulling together a 2hr, 4-way live Ultrabook review and Q&A session for you. The Lenovo U300s will be there. More details coming either later today or tomorrow.
So here’s an 8 minute look over the U300s. Most of you will have seen it around in pics and videos before but I can say that in the flesh, it’s one of the most stylish Ultrabooks there is. Real boardroom quality and styling here. It makes the Toshiba Z830 I’m using right now look and feel a little messy. Maybe there’s something to be said for removing VGA and SD card ports?
I did not think it possible thanks for making it happen chippy, i love your reviews and i think dell should send you their XPS 13 and HP their ultrabooks as well
and Samsung their new series 9 !!!
on another note it would have been fun to meet you up in Düsseldorf as it is circumstances make journeys difficult for me .. so reading and seing your review is all that´s left, keep up the good job!
Thanks for the nice feedback Rob. Guess what device is coming tomorrow?!
No Steve, could it be the new Samsung Series 9 ?!!!? :-) wow. Which one would it be the 13 inch or the 15 inch?
Unfortunately not. It appears that it’s only going to launch with Ivy Bridge in Germany which means mid-end June. Tomorrow i get the XPS 13
oh that XPS 13 is an incredibly well build machine .. i always liked how it looked it seem very well made … pity it does not have an SD card slot wonder why they missed that … it will be interesting to get your take on it !! that is interesting to know about mid-end june for samsung series 9 in Germany !
This german site advertizes the i7 15 inch 256 ssd version as imediately shipable
german alternate.de says they are getting it
cyperport.de estimates the 24th of may for the same but it may be that this may all be obsolete now giving the ivy bridge transition .. which is worth the wait i think .. although its odd that the 15 inch model seems to be shipped according to redcoon.de wish you fun with the XPS 13 and would love to hear about it soon.
I challenged the pr company with this info too but they didn’t give me a reply. They certainly don’t want to send a review sample which is strange as we have a good relationship. We’ll see!
appearently the new samsung series 9 in some of its versions is available via some german outlets (or so it would seem) even though its not seemingly with street vendors (mediamarkt , saturn ect.) seems they want to make their main impression with ivy bridge .. fine by me i guess i waited from jan i can wait a bit longer .. all it will do will offer me other options to consider which also will enter the market like the sony or a new asus with full hd . i agree u reviewed samsung very well and they sent u those machines last year .. they should continue that it was good pr.
Great stuff Chippy! I’m so glad Lenovo finally sent you a review unit of the U300s. …and the i7 256 model! I’m excited to see the full review and hear your impressions.
If you have the Cypress touchpad, it’s been discovered that you can install the most updated drivers from the Dell driver site (Lenovo is several versions behind). The Dell version of Cypress drivers is 100 times better.
Lenovo Cypress = driver version and not very good.
Dell Cypress = driver version and excellent
Credit to imessage100 from notebookreview.com/forums for the discovery.