Seconds after I made this video at an IFA press event this ASUS Transformer Book T300 Chi was taken away. it shouldn’t have been there but my video camera had already been rolling.

The ASUS Transformer Book Chi has a really lightweight screen but it’s quite wide. The keyboard is great and the hinge and dock seem high quality. The casing too. I’ll jut leave you to enjoy the video…
I’m quite certain that is not the T300 Chi but instead the cheaper T300FA. The staff member even identifies it as such at around the 1 minute mark of your video. The T300FA is essentially the new 12.5″ core M version of the T100 where. Similar to the T100 it is intended as a budget 2 in 1. The T300 Chi appears to be even thinner with higher hardware specs, and can be identified by the fact it has a silver dock and a metallic finish around edges. In addition the keyboard dock appears to have a lot more ports.
I’ve seen far less reporting on the T300FA and Asus seems to be a bit more quiet about it compared to the Chi. That’s probably part of why it got pulled.