Kevin Tofel from [url=http://jkontherun.blogs.com/jkontherun/2006/05/sony_vaio_uxser.html]jkontherun.com[/url] sent me a [url=http://www.vaio.sony.co.jp/Products/Concept/Vision/index.html?product=typeU]link to a page on sony.com[/url] last week that shows off the Sony Vaio UX in all of its 360 degrees of glory.
The flash demo includes a tour of all of the different features including a video demo which features a person in a bear costume who skips, runs, and does the moonwalk. Eventually the bear gets tired and takes of his head and someone runs up and steals it from him.
Also [url=http://plusd.itmedia.co.jp/pcupdate/articles/0605/16/news002.html]itmedia.co.jp has a news story[/url] with some pictures of the Sony Vaio taken apart. (one is shown above.)
I realize this device isn’t considered an Origami and is known as a microPC but I think it looks really good so I wanted to show it off a little more.