Before we look further at mini-micro tablets/pc’s lets think about some places we use our mobile devices:
Coffee shop
Meeting room
If I analyse the places I use my devices – i find that bed and sofa are recent additions and are becoming very popular, enjoyable and easy places to do a lot of everyday technology activities. Think about it. SMS, TV, Browsing. I have a pocket PC and these things are actually possible. Howver, that same pocketPC is extremely inneficient for the reasons i’ve talked about before (input constrictions mainly.) I rarely use my laptop at home. its just too big and takes too long to power up and well, its very expensive to keep a laptop knocking round just to read emails and check the TV listings. If I leave it on the sofa, someone is going to knick it too.
I’ve got ‘walking, bus’ covered by my mobile.
I’ve got ‘Meeting rooms and Office’ covered by a laptop
There’s the third device requirement popping out now – Sofa, Bed, Car.
I tell you – this is mini-tablet/micro laptop territory. The proudct group with no definition. We need a new definition here:
sofapod, stylepod, stylepad, lifepad, lifepod, midipod, midipad, intermidi. Mmm. Those names are all to obvious.
Lets try Carrypad. Yeah we’ll call it the carry-pad.