I think it had as much to do with the aesthetics than with any other part of the Vega. Jenn of Pocketables wasn’t too excited with the Vega in the review posted today.
There are some good point made though. Take this one:
One of its initial selling points, a “low” price, isn’t as relevant now that the $820 Kohjinsha SAF100A and erratically priced $799/$899 Samsung Q1b are readily available
Add the PepperPad 3 at $650 and the AGO7 UMPC at $799 to that list and its easy to see what she means. The $650-$800 bracket gives you quite a few choices now.
The review is well worth a read because it gives a slightly different perspective on the device that the review I did. For me, the Vega dropped down a notch when the PepperPad 3 and Kohjinsha came on the scene. Without the keyboard its main purpose is really Carputer, Navigation, PMP, Internet browsing/reading and portable storage device. If you add the keyboard you have a great blogging and email device. But I think for those purposes I’d prefer to have a device with a keyboard.
Steve… any news about your vega?