In the last 24 hours Google blogsearch recons 249 blog entries have mentioned the Gphone. On Technorati you’ll find the same pattern. 350 blogs per day going on about it. An no-one knows anything for sure yet!
Some of the recent blogs are talking about software platforms, operating systems and even free phones.
Personally I’d just like to see more of their superb application suite ported into quick and easy java apps. The Gmail java app for example is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to pick up emails on my phone. I’d like to see reader, no, id LOVE to see reader and even a dedicated search app for the small screen.
I don’t even like the idea of a search engine and advertising company trying to make a phone. Especially if its a free one. So lets hope that Google are just going to release a nice application suite for mobile phones and then we can build our own gphones.
I actually do no some things for sure, over at my blog I’ve posted some stuff from some insiders at the company. Folks haven’t really picked up on my findings lately, especially since the white noise from the NYT aftermath is sortof drowning me out on the subject.
/mark “rizzn” hopkins –