VIA have just announced the Mobile-ITX form-factor.
You imagine a 7″ ultra mobile PC screen? If you can imagine a motherboard that’s a smidgen bigger than that, then you’re picturing the size of the new Mobile-ITX motherboard from VIA. This thing is tiny. 7.5cm x 4.5cm. About the size of a playing card! Its half the size of a Pico-ITX motherboard and contains ‘a very low power processor that operates as low as a quarter of a watt.’ Hold on Mr Brown. What exactly are you saying there? We all know that your current best operates at around 1 watt. Are you telling us that you’ve got a new processor on it? Its not a core fusion part. Is it a C8-M?
Update: Its a new CX700 single-chip solution. Based on C7-S we think. We’re looking into it…Some new info here.
The VTF Keynote speeches are on right now. I’m expecting big news within minutes.
Update: PCWorld reports that it is a C7 processor. “Brown didn’t specify which version the board will use, but said the chip consumes 0.25 watts of power or less when running. “And that’s not when the system is idling,” he said.” They also say it will “hit markets next year.”
Someone has put up a size-easy comparison.