Grrrr. I know that its a good place to launch new products and features but each time something appears as U.S.-only I can’t help geting a little more mad each time. This traffic estimation feature that Google have just added to their maps application is a prime example. Traffic features don’t appear in Bonn, Ipswich or even London, Paris or Amsterdam. But have no fear my Euro-friends because I think I have an answer…
Luckily for me, Mapfactor’s PC Navigator 7 arrived in the post this morning and it appears to work a treat on The Q1b and Everun. Way way better than Streets and Trips/Autoroute. It has a nice finger-based interface, POI database, pedestrain mode and it even has a speed camera database and TMC support (traffic data broadcast over FM radio.) I tested it briefly in the car and it worked smoothly but I need to give it a full test before I make my mind up on it. If it works well its going to be perfect on the Everun.
PC Navigator 7 is available with EU maps or U.S + Canada Maps. for around Euro 110 making it very good value. You can even buy one country for 80 Euro. Mapfactor, a Prague-based company, have an online shop here. Watch out for a review within the next week.