‘I’m in the UK and want to buy an Everun.’ ‘Can you tell me where to buy a T770 in the U.S?’
These are two examples of questions I received recently and are typical of the type I get on a regular basis. It shouldn’t be happening. People should be able to get that information easily from UMPCPortal and other websites. It’s the information that every reseller should have out there but its not easily available. I feel confident enough now, after 18 months of building the site, to say that UMPCPortal is #1 when it comes to ultra mobile PC product information and yet I still can’t connect buyers to sellers smoothly. If resellers aren’t getting the products into the shops then its going to take a bit more than a few Google ads here and there! I love, with a passion, researching and writing news and reports and providing potential customers with the right information but if people are coming to me and saying ‘hey, I want to buy a ultra mobile PC but can’t find anywhere.’ then there’s a big hole that resellers and I still need to fill. It’s also very important for the well-being of the site. The site’s support comes from connecting buyers to sellers and if I don’t do that I’ll soon be back to squeezing in a news item or two in my tea-break in a new job at the local telco. That would be bad for everyone who’s enjoying this site, including me.
So today I’m starting a new project to collect more ultra mobile PC information for potential customers. I want to expand the product pages to include territory-specific models and specifications. I want to get the latest prices for these models and I want to be able to list all the resellers for a particular territory. Basically this is a project to connect ultra mobile PC more closely with resellers and the latest specifications, availability and pricing.
If you’re a reseller, I’ve created a list of options that i’d like you to read. It’s available here. Some of the options will provide free publicity, others are pay-for but all should ease the process of connecting potential customers with purchases and reduce the number or ‘where can I buy’ emails I get! I’ve already started to create a database of resellers and as it develops to include more information, I will be able to match products up with resellers and territories so its easier for everyone to see the latest prices and to evaluate the range of resellers in their country. Its a big task and there are probably more experienced people out there than ‘Chippy’ who could do this better but at the end of the day I don’t see anyone doing it so I’ll give it my best shot.
Resellers, make yourselves known to the thousands that come to UMPCPortal every day. Email me or contact me and say hello. Send me some info and I’ll take it from there. Give me your details and i’ll put your details in the database. Then, think about some more targeted options.
Guests, members, you can help too. The reseller list is available for comments and voting and if you see new websites, new products, errors in the product pages or other issues, contact me. Its my job to make sure you get reliable and high quality information.