If you regard Intel’s McCaslin platform as 2nd-gen then it looks like VIA is enabling the jump straight into 3rd gen devices. The Mtube is being shown on VIA’s UltraMobileLife blog and it looks like a highly targeted media player and browser. I mean why would you call a device the Mtube unless it primary focus is online media?
It seems likely that its a Linux-based device because the ‘thing’ will have to sell in the $200 to $300 bracket if its that tightly targeted. A $50 Microsoft licence would be too expensive unless they’ve struck a good deal on XPe.
Bjorn of ULtraMobileLife says that he will get details soon.
Could this be the start of extremely niche x86-based devices? How on earth am I going to label this one in the database?! Sub-umpc? Alternative UMPC? x86-gadget?