Staying on top of news from multiple web sites is hard work. Keeping on top of 20, 30, 50 websites requires using RSS feeds. When you’re reading 100+ feeds, you need to be using the the best tools available and using every spare moment of time. Google Reader is pretty much the tool of choice for most heavy RSS feed readers. Its fast, has keyboard controls and has a great user interface. Combine Google Reader with a handheld Internet PC and things get really interesting. You can read feeds in places you never thought it was possible. After months of pairing down my feed list I’m actually starting to add them again.
I’m using a ultra mobile PC (Suprise suprise from the editor of UMPCPortal!) which has an 800×480 4.8″ screen, weighs just 500g (just over 1lb) has a bright touch screen, 4 hours browsing battery life, ssd hard drive, auto rotation, 7.2mbps HSDPA connectivity, a 6-second start-up time and a keyboard exactly where you need it. Its the Everun of course. (I promise I will stop posting about it soon. Its beginning to sound like around here!) Here’s a quick video anyway.
@RikCarton that's one of the reasons I loved this device – #reader