Samsung SPH-P9200 Specifications and information

Samsung SPH-P9200 alternatives

Device launched in Korea. No information about international availability at this stage.

Samsung SPH-P9200 Specifications

Manufacturer Samsung
Model name SPH-P9200
CPU speed 1000 Mhz
OS Microsoft Windows Vista Home
Display Size
5" 800 X 480
RAM 512 MB
Hard Disk 30 GB
Battery capacity 20 Wh
Weight (Minimum) 650gm / 1.43 pounds
Size 144/107/28.0 mm
Size 5.7/4.2/1.1 inches
Physical Interfaces Docking connector
Wireless Interfaces802.11b/g
No Bluetooth
AdditionalPort replicator
*Specifications can vary
Samsung SPH-P9200 popularity (12 months)
Samsung SPH-P9200 news and review links.Date
Images of the SPH-P920023/02/19
Samsung P9200 manual23/02/19
SPH-P9200 launched in Korea23/02/19

Samsung SPH-P9200 alternatives

Fujitsu U2010, 5.6 inch, 610 grams (1.34 lbs)
3.5hours under bapco is a wifi-off, low screen brightness test. Expect about 3hrs browsing on this device.
Solpi Solpi, 4.8 inch, 750 grams (1.65 lbs)
ASUS R50A (R50A), 5.6 inch, 520 grams (1.15 lbs)
Looks good. Looks expensive! No keyboard could put some people off.
Sony UX490n (VGN-UX490N), 4.5 inch, 725 grams (1.6 lbs)
Fujitsu Lifebook U810 (FPCM21341), 5.6 inch, 708 grams (1.56 lbs)
Amtek U560 (U560), 4.8 inch, 675 grams (1.49 lbs)
We've done some thorough testing on this one. With XP/1GB its fast and performs very well as a video player. Thre are even gaming possibilities. Its not a pocketable device and looks a little chubby but so far, it's our favorite McCaslin (A100/A110) based UMPC. (Tested: SH6, V37, Shift, Q1 Ultra.) 3+ hour wifi-on battery life.
Fujitsu Lifebook U1010 (FMV-U1010), 5.6 inch, 580 grams (1.28 lbs)
With the heavy touch screen aimed at pen users this held the title of smallest convertible tablet PC in the world! For the U.S. version, see the U810.
Gigabyte U60, 6.5 inch, 720 grams (1.59 lbs)
Sony Vaio UX1XN (VGN-UX1), 4.5 inch, 725 grams (1.6 lbs)
Sony Vaio UX390N (VGN-UX390N), 4.5 inch, 725 grams (1.6 lbs)
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